USAs president Barack Barry Hussain Soetoro Marshall Obama (ukjært barn har mange navn) ser ut til å ha en så perfekt mengde svin på skogen at han bare måtte bli president. Hvordan skulle de sionistisk-rothschildske krefter kunne klare å motstå en slik gudegave? Når nevnte president har en så broket familiær fortid, og samtidig var en flittig gjest på Chicagos mest fasjonable homsehorehus, var saken avgjort. Han ble den neste presidenten i USA, plukket ut av hauker som hadde fått samme mulighet servert på sølvfat også i forbindelse med George Bush sr. og jr. og Bill Clinton.
De to nevntes umettelige hunger etter cocain-penger og kalvekjøtt (sex-avhengighet) kunne ikke ende med annet resultat enn at de ble presidenter. Slik skaffer man seg total makt over “verdens mektigste” politiske ledere. De som ønsker å sette seg litt bedre inn i hva dette dreie seg om, kan lese mer om det i Pedofili og rumperytteri, ofte i kombinasjon, er det en forutsetning for å bli president, statsminister, hertug og annet fælt? og The Rape of Juanita Broaddrick, samt ta en titt på denne korte videoen med intervju av den tidligere CIA-agenten Gene “Chip” Tatum om Bush sr. og Bill Clintons lederrolle i cocainsmugling fra Sør-Amerika:
Verdt å sette seg inn i er også stoffet som ble avslørt av Gary Webb. Han fikk Pulitzerprisen for sin avsløring av CIA som storsmugler av narkotika, og ble noen år senere funnet død med to skudd i hodet. Konklusjon: Selvmord.
Før vi går videre vil jeg gjøre et poeng av de påstander det jødiske maktmiljøet og alle de instanser soms er ut til å være produsert i en endeløs rekke av kloner for å beskytte dem har kommet med siden tidenes morgen.
Hvordan skal vi som er så få kunne stå bak verdens begivenheter?
Slikt er kun rå hersketeknikk, og en av den moderne tids største løgner, noe alle skal få se ved selvsyn i dette innlegget. Mainstream Media, eller Lamestram Media med deres presstitutes er i det store og hele eid og dominert av dem. Universiteter og andre læreanstalter det samme. I USA har dette gått så langt at det nå ligner mer på en parodi av virkeligheten enn noe annet. Bank- og finansmarkedet har de hatt i sine klamme hender i årundrer, og når de selv, lite beskjedne som de er, innrømmer å være mestre innen lobbyisme og politisk påvirkning, bør de fleste klare forstå hvor landet ligger. Den sterkestes rett. Survival of the fittest. Jungelens lov.
Den jødiske penge- og sionistmafiaen i Chicago ble servert en uimotståelig mulighet
Både Bush senior og juniors administrasjoner var overfylt av askenasier, hvorav flere hadde doble statsborgerskap Israel/USA. De som trodde at det ikke kunne bli verre tok skammelig feil, og fikk virkelig syn for sagn da Bill Clinton ble president. Mektige lobbyist- og bank/finans-oligarker med askenasisk bakgrunn oversvømte Clinton-administrasjonen, og hadde også vært hovedriverne bak hans presidentkampanje. I dette innlegget tar vi en titt på askenasiene bak Obama og hans Jewnited States of Khazaria, The Promised Land der Babylons skjøge ønsker folk velkommen til byen som ligger ved dagens utløp av Babylon-dalen.
Fra New York er ikke veien lang til Chicago og starten på det som skulle ende som en svært vellykket politisk karriere. Kort fra Wikipedia:
Settling down in Chicago
The publicity from his election as the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations.[61] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[61] He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published as Dreams from My Father in mid-1995.[61]
He married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson in 1992[62] and settled down with her in Hyde Park, a liberal, integrated, middle-class Chicago neighborhood with a history of electing reform-minded politicians independent of the Daley political machine.[63] The couple’s first daughter, Malia Ann, was born in 1998; their second, Natasha (known as Sasha), in 2001.[64]
One effect of the marriage was to bring Obama closer to other politically influential Chicagoans.
En presentasjon av Obamas økonomiske og politiske støttespillere i Chicago
For bedre å få fram hvilke krefter som står bak, og hvor organiserte og mektige de er, tar jeg med et sitat fra Chicago Tribune i forbindelse med valgkampen i 2008.
Barack Obama: The first Jewish president?
Chicago circle nurtured him all the way to the top
December 12, 2008|By Tom Hundley, Tribune reporter
Writer Toni Morrison famously dubbed Bill Clinton «the first black president» — a title he fervently embraced.
Abner Mikva, the Chicago Democratic Party stalwart and former Clinton White House counsel, offers a variation on that theme. «If Clinton was our first black president, then Barack Obama is our first Jewish president,» says Mikva, who was among the first to spot the potential of the skinny young law school graduate with the odd name.
Putting aside which of the three great Abrahamic religions can lay claim to Obama’s soul, it is clear that his political career, from its South Side inception to the audacious run for the White House, was nurtured and enabled by a close-knit network of Chicago Jews.
Rahm Emanuel, dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA.
Chief of Staff i Obama-regjeringen før han ble borgermester i Chicago. Tilbragte lange perioder i Israel i sin barn- og ungdom, og deltok i krig under israelsk kommando. Faren i Mossad og beskyldt for terrorhandlinger, blant annet drapet på Folke Bernadotte.
Rahm Israel Emanuel (/ˈrɑːm/; born November 29, 1959) is an American politician who serves as the 55th Mayor of Chicago. A member of the Democratic Party, Emanuel was elected in 2011, becoming Chicago’s first Jewish mayor.
Born in Chicago, Emanuel is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and Northwestern University. Working early in his career in Democratic politics, Emanuel was appointed as director of the finance committee for Bill Clinton‘s 1992 presidential campaign. In 1993, he joined the Clinton administration, where he served as the Assistant to the President for Political Affairs and as the Senior Advisor to the President for Policy and Strategy before resigning in 1998. Beginning a career in finance, Emanuel worked at the investment bank Wasserstein Perella & Co. from 1998 to 2002 and served on the board of directors of Freddie Mac.
In 2002, Emanuel ran for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who had resigned to run forGovernor of Illinois. Emanuel won the first of three terms representing Illinois’s 5th congressional district, a seat he held from 2003 to 2009. During his tenure in the House, Emanuel held two Democratic leadership positions, serving as the Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee from 2005 to 2007 and as the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus from 2007 to 2009. After the 2008 presidential election, President Barack Obama appointed Emanuel to serve as White House Chief of Staff.
In October 2010, Emanuel resigned as chief of staff to run as a candidate in Chicago’s 2011 mayoral election. Because of questions over his eligibility to run for mayor, Emanuel’s candidacy was initially rejected by the Illinois First District Appellate Court, though he was later found eligible to run in a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court of Illinois. Emanuel won with 55% of the vote over five other candidates in the nonpartisan mayoral election, succeeding 22-year incumbent Richard M. Daley.
Rahm Emanuel – Dual Citizen, Israeli Soldier, Zionist, next move Mayor of Chicago – Completed
Who Runs the Obama White House?
Chapter X
Who Runs the Obama White House?The day after Barack Obama was elected president, the Israeli press proudly proclaimed that the new president had chosen an Israeli, Rahm Emanuel, to manage the new administration. «Obama’s first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff» was the Ha’aretz headline of November 6, 2008. The controlled press in the United States, however, keeps the American public unaware that Obama’s new chief of staff is an Israeli, with terrorist roots and a sworn loyalty to the state of Israel.
Rahm Emanuel, first Chief of Staff of the Obama White House, is the son of a real Zionist terrorist and served in the Israeli army. The late Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Emanuel the «Acting Deputy Chief for North America of the Mossad - Israeli Intelligence.» Skolnick reported that Emanuel’s father Benjamin had been «part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden’s Count [Folke] Bernadotte» in 1948. Bernadotte was the United Nations envoy who was sent to Palestine to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land to Jews from Poland and Russia.
– See more at: http://www.bollyn.com/11305#sthash.ZXU1t5Vk.dpuf
Abner Mikva, jødisk-politsk Chicago-oligark. En pådriver for Obamas politiske ambisjoner, tidliger medlem av Kongressen, føderal dommer og politisk rådgiver i Det hvite hus for Bill Clinton.
Mikva is one of many influential Chicago Jews who have been among Obama’s earliest and most ardent backers. Through their large financial contributions and influence peddling, Obama’s Chicago enablers insured for themselves both a place in his administration and political leverage serving Jewish interests.
Abner Mikva i dag. En av Obamas
store støttespillere i Chicago-mafiaen
He is a long-time political supporter of President Barack Obama. Mikva offered Obama a law clerk position in his judicial office after Obama graduated from Harvard Law School; Obama declined the offer. US Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was one of his law clerks.[4] Mikva became Obama’s political advisor and suggested he learn more effective public speaking from observing preachers. Mikva said of Obama: «He listened to patterns of speech, how to take people up the ladders. It’s almost a Baptist tradition to make someone faint, and, by God, he’s doing it now.»[4]
Abner Mikva and his wife Zoe started a civic leadership program for Chicago youth in 1997 called Mikva Challenge. This organization works with over 5,000 youth a year getting them involved in experiential activities in the democratic process working as election judges, volunteering on campaigns, advising city officials, and creating local activism projects to improve their schools and communities.
Bettylu Klutznick Saltzman, en liberal aktivist som kanskje er mest kjent for å være datteren til tidligere Philip Klutznick.
I følge Chicago Tribune-artikkelen sier hun at hun allerede fra hun så Obama første gang forsto at han en dag ville bli president. Det var hun som presenterte Obama for David Axelrod, som blir presentert senere. Først en liten titt på hvem hennes far var:
Klutznick’s career in public service advanced along with his success in business. In 1953, he was elected to the first of two three-year terms as President of B’nai B’rith.[1] His presidency focused on strengthening the century-old organization’s internal structure and expanding its constituency. He visited B’nai B’rith districts worldwide and worked to strengthen lodges in post-war Europe and Israel. Domestically, he instituted a membership drive, expanded support for youth programs and travelled in the Southern United States to discuss B’nai B’rith support for school desegregation.
Benny Pritzker, ledet den finansielle siden av Obamas valgkampkomité i 2008. Siden 2013 har hun vært handelsminister i Obama-regjeringen. Kommer fra den styrtrike Pritzker-slekten.
Penny Sue Pritzker (born May 2, 1959) is an American business executive, entrepreneur, civic leader, and philanthropist who is currently serving as the 38th United States Secretary of Commerce. She is the founder of PSP Capital Partners and Pritzker Realty Group.[1] She is also co-founder of Artemis Real Estate Partners.[2] She is a member of the Pritzker family.
In 2012, Chicago magazine named her one of the 100 most powerful Chicagoans.[3] In 2011, the Forbes 400 list of America’s wealthiest showed her as the 263rd richest person in the U.S., estimated net worth of US $1.8511 billion,[4] and the world’s 651st richest person. In 2009, Forbes named Pritzker as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world.
David Axelrod, drev Obamas valgkampkampanje og er ansett som hovedmannen bak Obamas presidentskap. Er nå spesialrådgiver for presidenten.
David M. Axelrod (born February 22, 1955) is the director of the Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago. An American political consultant based in Chicago, Illinois, he was a top political advisor to President Bill Clinton and a campaign advisor to Barack Obama during Obama’s successful campaign for the presidency in 2008.
Following Obama’s election, Axelrod was appointed as Senior Advisor to the President.[1] Axelrod left the White House position in early 2011 and became the Senior Strategist for Obama’s successful re-election campaign in 2012.[2][3]
Axelrod has been a political writer for the Chicago Tribune. He is the founder of AKPD Message and Media, and operated ASK Public Strategies, now called ASGK Public Strategies.
Lester Crown, styrtrik oligark som setter Israel foran alt annet, hvilket var årsaken til at han sto bak deler av propagandaen og den øvrige påvirkning for å få amerikanerne til å stemme på Barack Obama.
Lester Crown (born June 7, 1925) is the son of Chicago financier Henry Crown (died 1990), who created Material Service with two brothers in 1919, which merged with General Dynamics in 1959.[2]
He has been a perennial member of the Forbes 400 list since 1982. Lester controls family holdings, including large stakes in Maytag,Hilton Hotels, Alltel, Aspen Skiing Company, New York’s Rockefeller Center, and pro basketball’s Chicago Bulls. He also holds a stake in the New York Yankees, being a Partner since 1973. Presumably, the large stake held in Bank One at the time of the 2003 Forbes 400 listing has converted to JPMorgan Chase stock and was derived from an interest in First Chicago Bank, which was enumerated in the 1998 Forbes 400 list as First Chicago NBD shares. Recent achievements include brokering a controversial agreement to expandO’Hare International Airport, and spearheading the funding of the new Cook County Hospital (Stroger Hospital). He is a major benefactor of Jewish charities, universities and the Aspen Institute. He is the chairman of the Commercial Club of Chicago andChicago Council on Global Affairs. His current hometown is Wilmette, Illinois.
Political views
In a 2008 letter to «a large number of Jewish voters», Crown expressed his support for Barack Obama, the Democratic Presidential Candidate:
- «While my involvement in politics is motivated by a variety of issues, there is one issue that is fundamental: My deep commitment to Israel and to a strong U.S.-Israel relationship that strengthens both Israel’s security and its efforts to seek peace,» Crown wrote. «I am writing to share with you my confidence that Senator Barack Obama’s stellar record on Israel gives me great comfort that, as President, he will be the friend to Israel that we all want to see in the White House – stalwart in his defense of Israel’s security, and committed to helping Israel achieve peace with its neighbors.»[6]
The Republicans and Democrats alike share in his contributions.
Valerie Jarrett, tidligere styreleder i Chicago Stock Exchange, nåværende utenrikspolitisk rådgiver for Obama.
Valerie Bowman Jarrett (born November 14, 1956) is a Senior Advisor to the President of the United States and Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs in the Obama administration. She is a Chicago lawyer, businesswoman, and civic leader. Prior to that she served as a co-chairperson of the Obama-Biden Transition Project.
Until joining the Obama Administration, Jarrett was the CEO of the Habitat Company, a real estate development and management company,[11] which she joined in 1995. She has been replaced by Mark Segal, a lawyer who joined the company in 2002, as CEO. Daniel E. Levin is the Chairman of Habitat, which was formed in 1971.[12] Jarrett was a member of the board of Chicago Stock Exchange (2000–2007, as Chairman, 2004–2007).
She was a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago Medical Center from 1996 to 2009, becoming Vice-Chair in 2002 and Chair in 2006.[13] She also served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago and a Trustee of Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry.[14] Jarrett serves on the board of directors ofUSG Corporation, a Chicago based building materials corporation.
Advisor to Barack Obama
Jarrett is one of President Obama’s longest serving advisors and confidantes and was «widely tipped for a high-profile position in an Obama administration».[16][17]
“Unlike Bert Lance, who arrived from Georgia with President [Jimmy] Carter and became his budget director, or Karen Hughes, who was President [George W.] Bush‘s communications manager, Ms. Jarrett isn’t a confidante with a particular portfolio. What she does share with these counterparts is a fierce sense of loyalty and a refusal to publicly say anything that may reflect poorly on the candidate – or steal his thunder.[16]”
On November 14, 2008, President-elect Barack Obama selected Jarrett to serve as White House Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Liaison.[18]
Jarrett is one of three Senior Advisors to President Obama.[19] She holds the retitled position of Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement,[19] managing the White House Office of Public Engagement, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, and Office of Urban Affairs; she also chairs the White House Council on Women and Girls and the White House Office of Olympic, Paralympic, and Youth Sport.[20] She was part of the US State Visit to the UK in May 2011.
George Soros, opprinnelig Gyorgy Schwartz og således en av ufattelig mange navneskiftere. Den styrtrike bank- og finansoligarken mange påstår har kuppet hele den demokratiske rørsla i USA.
Foruten hjelpen jeg har fått via Wikipedia og artikkelen i Chicago Tribune, ønske jeg å sende en takk til Brother Nathanael Kapner og hans nettside for mange av opplysningene jeg har bragt på banen i dette innlegget. Det er fra Kapners nettside jeg siterer alt Soros-stoffet under.
THERE ARE PRESENTLY 3 JEWS who have infiltrated the Obama administration, and for all practical and Jewish purposes, run the White House: George Soros, Larry Summers, and Timothy Geithner.
Born in Budapest in 1930 as Gyorgy Schwartz, when young Schwartz enrolled in the London School of Economics in 1947, he changed his surname to Soros so as to pass himself off as a Gentile. In 1956 Soros settled in NYC where he built his multi-billionaire hedge fund called the Quantum Fund.
Exposed as Obama’s “money man,” Soros’s involvement with Obama’s political career beganin 2005 with Soros fundraising for Obama’s campaign for US Senate and continued through the 2007 Presidential campaign launch with huge fundraising operations. Soros has got his bought-and-paid-for White House stooge through whom he can operate.
As a Jewish manipulator par excellence of markets, political scenarios, and economic conditions, (Soros boasts, “I’m having a very good crisis!” with regard to his windfall profits in America’s current economic crisis), Soros is at the top of the food chain of Obama’s economic duo – Summers and Geithner – both totally under Soros’ thumb.
SOON AFTER FOX NEWS exposed Obama as a liar in his promise for “transparency” due to his denying access to the White House Visitor List, Obama was forced against his will to release a partial list of visitors which shows Soros visiting Summers no less than 4 times. Zionist Jew, Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman of Goldman Sachs, also met both with Summers and Obama. Rev Wright & Bill Ayers were among Obama’s ’secret’ guests.
Why did Soros visit Summers, Obama’s chief economic adviser, 4 times? Let’s back up a bit. Summers was forced out of his job as President of Harvard in 2006 on the pretext of his uttering ’sexist’ remarks. Out of a job and his reputation sullied, Soros, (who begancourting Summers in 1991 to assist in his looting of Russia), came to Summers’ rescue.
Through his connections to the hedge fund, D.E. Shaw & Co, vis a vis his interlacing investments, Soros arranged for Summers to land a token high-salaried job with D.E. Shaw in 2006 through 2008 as an “investment strategy adviser.”
After granting Summers a day in the sun for a year, Soros began bringing Summers along with him to the Davos World Economic Conference and various other economic summits 2008. Obviously, Soros was preparing the American public for a Soros lackey in the White House, which Soros knew he would soon own through his puppet presidential candidate, Obama. Now Summers marches to the beat of his master. (Les resten av dette oppsiktsvekkende stoffet her.)
En liste over tidligere og nåværende askenasikhazarer i Obama-administrasjonen
Current Members
Tony Blinken
Deputy National Security AdvisorDanielle Borrin
Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Deputy Director of Public EngagementGary Gensler
Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading CommissionJonathan Greenblatt
Special Assistant to the President and Director, Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (Domestic Policy Council)Jack Lew
Secretary of the TreasuryEric Lynn
Middle East Policy AdviserMatt Nosanchuk
Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement for Jewish OutreachDavid Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the PresidentDaniel Rubenstein
Ambassador to SyriaDan Shapiro
Ambassador to IsraelGene Sperling
Director, National Economic CouncilAviva Sufian
Special Envoy, U.S. Holocaust Survivor Services (Inaugural role)Adam Szubin
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury)Janet Yellen
Chairwoman, Federal ReserveFormer Members
Ben Bernanke (2006-2013)
Chairman, Federal ReserveMary Schapiro (2009-2012)
Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange CommissionSteven Simon (2009-2012)
Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa, National Security CouncilRahm Emanuel (2009-2010)
Chief of Staff to the PresidentDavid Axelrod (2009-2011)
Senior Advisor to the PresidentElena Kagan (2009-2010)
Solicitor General of the United StatesPeter Orszag (2009-2010)
Director of the Office of Management and BudgetLawrence Summers (’09-’11)
Director National Economic CouncilMona Sutphen (2009-2011)
Deputy White House Chief of StaffJames B. Steinberg (’09-’11 )
Deputy Secretary of StateDennis Ross (2009-2011 )
Special Assistant to the PresidentRonald Klain (2009-2011)
Chief of Staff to the Vice PresidentJared Bernstein (2009-2011)
Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice PresidentSusan Sher (2009-2011)
Chief of Staff to the First LadyAlice Rivlin
Member, National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility & ReformLee Feinstein (2009)
Campaign Foreign Policy AdvisorMara Rudman (2009)
Foreign Policy Advisor
Top 10 Soros targets in 2016
George Soros has a list and he’s checking it twice. The list is where he will concentrate the efforts of his Central Intelligence Agency-connected non-governmental organization (NGO) assets in 2016.