Da var de i gang igjen – “terrorister” skjøt vilt med AK-47 og drepte mange mennsker i San Bernardino i California mens politiet holdt øvelse i samme område

Sannelig uflaks for de gale terroristene at det nok en gang ble gjennomført en teorroraksjon samtidig som myndighetene avholdt en øvelse … Endelig ser det ut til at folk begynner å forstå hvem som er de egentlige terroristene. Les kommentarene under artikkelen.


San Bernardino terror

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3. desember 2015 07:22

Du står ikke alene om denne vurderingen av skytingen, se under. Det som er foruroligende er at «we expect another one very soon»

Notes: Today’s Mass Killing, December 2, 2015

What is our take? This is a political move to bring about American involvement in Syria. With “boots on the ground,” worldwide organized crime, which has so enjoyed operating the American government through the GOP and its gambling boss moneyman, will be able to finally deliver that war with Iran and maybe one with Russia as well.

Can something as simple as a shooting have these implications? Then you must remember, this is one shooting, there have been others and we expect another one very soon.

3. desember 2015 12:40

Paris attacs+Eagles Of Death Methal+San bernadino=D

3. desember 2015 21:48

Har noen sett noen forklaring på hvorfor «Eagles of Death Metal» ikke ble rammet i Paris (mens man vel sier at bortimot alt som var av publikum ble utradert)?

6. desember 2015 20:34

Alt tyder nå på at disse to ‘terroristene’ ble myrdet i kaldt blod av politiet. Se bilde av den ene liggende med ansiktet ned på bakken og begge hendene i håndjern på ryggen, blodet flyter:

Ten questions THEY don’t want you to ask

Parets advokat ble intervjuet på CNN (av alle steder), og sier at ingen får dette til å stemme.
Shooters’ family attorney: A lot of things don’t add up

Press TV har Intervjet Kevin Barrett om saken:

California shooting another US false flag attack: Analyst

Barrett: I’m afraid that we may be seeing yet another false flag massacre like September 11, 2001, like July 7th, 2005 and like the two recent shooting attacks in Paris. It appears that all of these events and many many others are part of a program that’s called “Gladio B.”

It’s a continuation of the NATO false flag terror program that blue people often murdered people throughout the Cold War in Europe. It was run by the United States’ joint chiefs of staff. Today the Gladio B program is run essentially by the same people with the huge new input from the Israelis.

And they whipped the Western world into a hysterical Islamophobic attitude by recruiting and training people as “Islamic terrorists.” This particular shooting appears to have numerous extreme inconsistencies. We’re told that the terrorists twitted their allegiance to Daesh one minute after their shooting rampage began.

So, while they were shooting, they were supposedly also twitting, that the place where they were shooting was home for people of disabilities. And that facility apparently had monthly active shooter drills. Every single month they had an active shooter drill.

Now, how could you possibly have that kind of coincidence that one place where they have this supposed terror attack happens to be a facility, where every month they’re doing an active shooter drill. How many places in the United States have an active shooter drill every month? Probably none, this is probably the only one.

And if you think it’s a coincidence that an actual shooting just like the ones they’ve been drilling every month happened at this facility, I think you’re a crazy coincidence theorist.

Altså: Denne hendelsen skjedde det eneste stedet i USA hvor det er en «active shooter» øvelse hver måned.

7. desember 2015 18:14

Vitneutsagn fra samme dag som hendelsen fant sted:

«Witness Sally Abdelmageed, who works at the Inland Regional Center and witnessed the shooting in San Bernardino, was interviewed live via telephone by CBS Evening News the day the massacre happened.»

We saw three men dressed in military attire,’ she says. ‘I couldn’t see his face, he had a black hat on… black cargo pants on, the kind with zippers on the side… He had a huge assault rifle a lot of ammo…

She continues, ‘They opened up the door to building then he starts to, you know, shoot all over into the room – that’s the room we have conferences in…

You’re certain that you saw three men?’ the news anchor asks.
‘Yeah,’ she replies, as she continues to describe the THREE WHITE MEN, their muscular build, etc.

Kilde: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/12/07/3whitemen/

8. desember 2015 23:24

Press TV: ‘Craft Intl mercenaries carried out San Bernardino shooting’

Mercenaries from the Craft International, a tactical training company for the US military, carried out last week’s false flag operation in San Bernardino, California, according to Steven D Kelley, a former NSA/CIA contractor.

10. desember 2015 22:08

For den som har tid, lytt til dette programmet fra 21Wire med patrick Henningsen (varer ~3 timer). Det inneholder mengder av fakta og analyser om Hendelsene i San Bernadino. For å si det enkelt så plukkes det hele fra hverandre, dette er viktig stoff.

Episode #112 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘From San Bernardino to Syria’ with guest Ajamu Bakara, Vanessa Beeley, Stuart Hooper

Du kan også laste ned det hele som en MP3

17. desember 2015 21:34

San Bernadino-saken kommer ikke til å bli glemt. Nå er det en artikkel om saken i The Unz review

What Really Happened in San Bernardino?

«Eyewitnesses: “Three Tall White Men”

Det er endel ting som ikke henger på greip i den saken. De første vitnene hevdet å se 3 kraftige menn i «military fatigue» , men seinere var de blitt til et arabisk ektepar der kona var liten og spe.

Think about this. Two people shoot 35 people, and escape unnoticed the police. They then disappear for four hours. Then “a tip” informs the police of their whereabouts: two miles away from the crime scene.

Så blir de forfulgt i en SUV ned gata (se videoen i linken over) av politiet som skyter vilt, ifølge rapportene ble de 2 drept med 380 skudd. Deretter kryper de drepte over gata mens de skyter tilbake og samtidig Twitrer sin lojalitet til IS. De blir fotografert på den andre siden av gata (ingen blodspor) med håndjern påsatt bak ryggen.