En av de høyest rankede politietterforskerne i forbindelse med Paris-hendelsene het Helric Fredou. Han lever ikke lenger. Han begikk visstnok selvmord ved å skyte seg selv i hodet med sitt eget tjenestevåpen. Natt til torsdag den 8. januar skjøt han seg på arbeidsplassen.
Politietterforsker i Paris, Helric Fredou.
Fredou var en av etterforskningslederne etter Charlie Hebdo-angrepet den 7. januar. Jeg siterer fra Sott.net:
Police Commissioner Helric Fredou, Number Two Police Officer of the Regional Service of France’s Judicial Police (JP), Limoges, (Haute-Vienne), «committed suicide on the night of Wednesday to Thursday at the police station.»
Commissioner Helric Fredou was part of the police investigation into the Charlie Hebdo terror attack.
Terror suspects Cherif and Said Kouachi who were shot dead by police on January 9, spent their high-school years in the Limoges region. No doubt this was the object of Fredou’s police investigation. Yet police and media reports state that on that same Wednesday he was involved in a meeting with the family of one of the Charlie Hebdo victims.
On Wednesday, as part of the Charlie Hebdo investigation, he dispatched a team of police officials under his jurisdiction. He is reported to have waited for the return of his team for a debriefing. Immediately following the police debriefing, he was involved in preparing his police report.
According to media reports, he committed suicide at around 1am on Thursday, within hours of the police debriefing. He used his own police weapon, a SIG-Sauer to «shoot himself in the head».
Daily Mail skriver blant annet dette om saken:
French police commissioner ‘shot himself dead in his office after meeting relatives of a Charlie Hebdo victim’
- Helric Fredou shot himself on Wednesday night in Limoges, France
- He had been the deputy director of the regional police since 2012
- Commissioner Fredou was said to have been ‘depressed’ and overworked
A French police commissioner has reportedly taken his own life after meeting the relatives of a victim murdered in the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
Helric Fredou, 45, shot himself in his office with his police-issue gun on Wednesday night in Limoges, a city in central France, according to France 3.
Commissioner Fredou began his career as a police office in 1997 and had been the deputy director of the regional police since 2012.
Colleagues told France 3 he was ‘depressed’ and overworked, and said he was single and had no children.
Norske riksaviser/riksmedier/Presstitutes nevner ikke saken med et ord
Også andre utenlandske medier skriver kort om denne saken. Norske medier er tause som østers. En kan enkelt forstå hvorfor. Etter blant annet 11. september 2001, spratt antallet selvmord i været blant de som var direkte vitner til de hendelsene som skjedde i New York og World Trade Center. Disse vitnene ble også omtalt som “deprimerte, og forvirrede”. Her er et eksempel:
Barry Jennings, ansvarlige for sikkerheten i offentlige bygg i New York. Han oppholdt seg i bygning 7 den 11. september 2001, og ga direkte vitnemål til en nyhetskanal om voldsomme eksplosjoner og døde mennesker i bygningen mens den fortsatt sto.
Jennings døde den 19. august 2008, 53 år gammel, to dager før offentliggjøringen av amerikanske myndigheters rapport om årsaken til at bygning 7 kollapset NIST-rapporten, Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation.
Denne rapporten inneholder konklusjoner som vil få enhver ingeniør til å gråte blod.
Barry Jennings arbeidstittel under 11. september-hendelsene var Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority. På et direkte intervju hendelsesdagen den 11. september fortalte han at han oppholdt seg i bygning 7, og at han opplevde flere eksplosjoner før de to tårnene falt.
Transcript av Barry Jennings første og andre intervju
Første intervju:
«When we arrived, the police were in the lobby… Me and Mr. Hess who I didn’t know at the time… [got] to the 23rd floor… we couldn’t get in. We had to go back down, then police and security took us to the freight elevators where they took us back up and we did get in.
Upon arriving into the OAM POC, we noticed that everybody was gone… only me and Mr. Hess were up there. After I called several individuals, one individual told me to leave and leave right away. Mr. Hess came running back in and said, «We’re the only ones up here, we gotta get out of here.»
He found the stairwell… we went down the stairs. When we reached the sixth floor… there was an explosion and the landing gave way. I was left there hanging and I had to climb back up and I had to walk back up to the 8th floor… it was dark and very very hot. I asked Mr. Hess to test the phones as I took a fire extinguisher and broke out the windows.
Once I broke out the windows I could see outside below me. I saw police cars on fire, buses on fire. I looked one way, the building was there, I looked the other, the building was gone. I was trapped in there for several hours. I was trapped in there when both buildings came down.
The firefighters came. I was going to come down on the fire hose, because I didn’t want to stay there because it was too hot; they came to the window and started yelling «do not do that, it won’t hold you». And then they ran away. I didn’t know what was going on. That’s when the first tower fell.
When they started running, the first tower started coming down. I had no way of knowing that. And then I saw them come back… with more concern on their faces. And then they ran away again. The second tower fell.
So as they turned and ran the second time, the guy said «We’ll be back for you». And they did come back, this time they came back with 10 firefighters. They kept asking «where are you? We don’t know where you are?» I said «I was on the North side of the building,» because when I was on the stairs I saw the North side. All this time, I’m hearing all kinds of explosions. I’m thinking that may it’s the police cars [and] buses that are on fire. I don’t see.. you know, but I’m still hearing all these explosions.
When they finally got to us, and they took us down to what they called the lobby, because when I asked them, I said «Where are we?» He said, «This was the lobby.» And I said, «You got to be kidding me.» Total ruins. Keep in mind, when I came in there, the lobby had nice escalators–it was a huge lobby. And for me to see what I saw was unbelievable.
And the firefighter who took us down kept saying, «Do not look down.» I kept saying, «Why?» We were stepping over people. And you know when you can feel when you are stepping over people. They took us out through a hole… in this wall, and that’s how they got us out… this huge police officer came over to me and he said, «You have to run». I said, «I can’t, my knees are swollen». [He said] «You’ll have to get on your knees and crawl then, because we have reports of more explosions.» That’s when I started crawling and I saw this guy fall behind me, and his comrades came to his aid and they dragged him to safety.»
Andre intervju:
«Upon arriving into the OEM EOC, we noticed that everybody was gone,» said Jennings. “I saw coffee that was on the desk, the smoke was still coming off the coffee, I saw half-eaten sandwiches,” he stated, adding that he and Hess were told to leave the building right away.
Jennings and Hess found a stairwell and descended the stairs.
“When we reached the 6th floor the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way, I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and walk back up to the 8th floor,” said Jennings.
“The explosion was beneath me….so when the explosion happened it blew us back….both buildings (the twin towers) were still standing,” he added.
“I was trapped in there for several hours, I was trapped in there when both buildings came down – all this time I’m hearing all kinds of explosions, all this time I’m hearing explosions, said Jennings, adding that when firefighters took them down to the lobby it was in “total ruins”.
“For me to see what I saw was unbelievable,” said Jennings.
The firefighters kept saying to Jennings “do not look down” because, according to Jennings, “we were stepping over people and you can tell when you’re stepping over people.”
A police officer then told Jennings, “you will have to run because we have reports of more explosions.”
“I’m just confused about one thing….why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place – I’m very confused about that – I know what I heard I heard explosions,” said Jennings, adding that the explanation that the explosions were as a result of fuel oil tanks in the building did not add up.
“I’m an old boiler guy, if it was a fuel oil tank it would have been one side of the building,” he stated.
Norske riksmediers skammelige undertrykkelse av fakta
The Presstitutes i Akersgata og andre steder der norske avis- og nyhetsredaksjoner er bygget opp på det mest råtne fundament som tenkes kan, skrev heller aldri noe om Barry Jennings. Hans vitnemål førte med seg alvorlige implikasjoner, og pekte på hendelser som ikke passet inn i den nøye planlagte og beordrede “sannheten” norske presstitutes var satt til å fortelle den norske befolkningen. Den tidligere tyske mainstream-redaktøren Udo Ulfkotte har skrevet ei bok om hvordan CIA og andre etterretningsorganisasjoner beordret redaksjonene til å skrive ønskelige, ferdigprodusert stoff om viktige politiske og militære hendelser, og dessuten ga tilsvarende ordrer om hva som ikke skulle skrives om.
E-tjenestene er representert i norske mediers redaksjoner, og e-tjenestene ble startet av styrtrike bankoligarker. Hvem de er, vet de fleste. Det er dessuten de samme som eier alt av nyhetsbyråer og aviser i den vestlige verden.
Norske riksaviser og nyhetsredaksjoner er ikke til for å fortelle sine lesere sannheten om noe som helst. De eksisterer ene og alene som et propagandaapparat for oligarkene og de sosiopatene som bekler de fleste ledende stillinger innen industri og politikk.
Når det gjelder aviseiere, også av norske aviser, har Pål Steigan et fint innlegg fra 2013, som han senere har oppdatert. Omtrent midt i artikkelen er en illustrasjon over hvem eierne er:
Who are the brain police?
Der finner vi ganske mange banker.
Vi lever i en verden der pengemakt styrer, også når det gjelder hva vi skal tenke og hva vi skal vite.
Før eller seinere kommer sannheten på bordet. Historien vil ikke fare godt med dagens «ledere».