Som vanlig er har vi ikke sett fnugg av bevis for at folk ble skadd eller drept. Tvert imot har den “dokumentasjonen” De presstituerte har lagt fram vist noe helt annet enn deres egne overskrifter har påstått. Det blir imidlertid ikke noe om dette her, for denne gang har etterforskende myndigheter selv tatt livet av svindelen. Denne saken dukket opp hos Global Research i dag, og de som ønsker lese den der, kan klikke her.
Tidligere dommer og nåværende professor og lovekspert ofte benyttet i Lamestream Media/De presstituerte, Andrew Napolitano fortalte under et FOX-program at det ifølge den nye og offisielle FBI-rapporten om hendelsen ikke ble drept et eneste menneske før SWAT-styrken stormet lokalet klokka 05.13. Den påståtte gjerningsmannen skjøt sine første skudd et minutt senere, hvorpå han ble drept et minutt etter det igjen, klokka 05:15. De presstituerte mener dermed at Omar Mateen drepte 49 mennesker, og skadet ytterligere 53, iløpet av 60 sekunder. Dette er jo rent sludder, men før vi går videre, her er en kort oppsummering fra Wikipedia om hendelsen. Halvfete uthevinger er gjort av meg.
First shots and hostage situation
On June 11, 2016, Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was hosting Latin Night, a weekly Saturday night event drawing a primarily Hispanic crowd. About 320 people were inside the club, which was serving last call drinks at around 2:00 a.m. EDT on June 12. After arriving at the club by van, Omar Mateen approached the building on foot, armed with a SIG Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle and a 9mm Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol. A uniformed Orlando Police Department (OPD) officer working extra duty engaged Mateen, returning fire at 2:02 a.m. Mateen was able to enter the building, however, and began shooting patrons.
Såvidt jeg har fått med meg, er Wiki-artikkelen rimelig lik de påstandene De presstituerte i Norge har servert sitt publikum. Dette spriker jo villt med det dr. Napolitano forteller i FOX News-programmet. Ta en titt på hva han sier. Hans oppsiktsvekkende uttalelser starter 1:53 min ut i videoen, men først en kort transkripsjon:
Andrew Napolitano: – Here’s what is news in the summary – nobody died until 05:13 in the morning, when the SWAT team entered. Prior to that no one had been killed. The 53 that were injured, and the 49 that were murdered all met their fates at the time of, and during, the police entry into the building.
En kort presentasjon av Napolitano:
Andrew Peter Napolitano (born June 6, 1950) is the Senior Judicial Analyst for Fox News Channel, commenting on legal news and trials, and is a syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, such as Fox News, The Washington Times, and Reason. Having served as a New Jersey Superior Court Judge, he now teaches constitutional law as a Distinguished Professor at Brooklyn Law School. Napolitano has written nine books on constitutional, legal, and political subjects.
Det Andrew Napolitano egentlig forteller oss er at det var SWAT-mannskapet som drepte menneskene i Pulse Bar i Orlando. Jeg tror ikke noen homser eller homsinner ble drept, men blås i det for nå, det virker mye viktigere å la amerikanske myndigheter og De presstituerte hakke all ære ut av hverandres fjærdrakt. De offentlige dokumentene om hendelsen har visstnok forsvunnet, ikke bare fra rettsdistriktet, og ikke bare fra Orlando, men er idag ikke å oppdrive verken i Florida eller USA, skal man tro Global Research. Bra da, at dommer Napolitano har hatt tilgang til de egentlige rapportene fra politi og alarmsentralen 911. Her er litt om dette, og en kopi av den offentlig tilgjengelige FBI-rapporten:
Consider that the narrative we have been given was that Omar Mateen entered the club around 02:00am on Sunday morning to begin his killing spree, so why was no one actually killed until 05:13am, over three hours later?
So, this makes one question why the 911 call transcripts are being redacted and why the people are not being told the truth across the media about what really took place.
We have been told that 5 to 6 police officers were already in the club for 15 to 20 minutes or more prior to the SWAT teams’ entering.
So, what is the truth here? Some claim that 05:13am is the time of death, but how is that when that suspect was not even down until 05:15am? Could it be that some of the people in the club were shot by the SWAT team or by Mateen? With nearly 50 people dead and more wounded, how was Mateen able to get off that many shots? I’m really curious.
Noen blant de kriminelle bak svindelen har tydelig begynt å få kalde føtter. De forstår selvfølgelig at ingen rekker drepe så mange mennesker iløpet av 60 sekunder mens en selv blir skutt på. Derfor mener Florida-politiet nå at, joda, det kan godt hende at det var SWAT-mannskapet som pøste kuler inn i den tette folkemengden i homsebaren:
If that was not enough, police officers have even admitted that they may have killed some of the people. WFAA reports:
Monday, Orlando Police Chief John Mina and other law enforcement officers offered new details about the shooting, including the possibility that some victims may have been killed by officers trying to save them.
“I will say this, that’s all part of the investigation,” Mina said. “But I will say when our SWAT officers, about eight or nine officers, opened fire, the backdrop was a concrete wall, and they were being fired upon.”
A law enforcement source close to the investigation who asked not to be named said a crowd of up to 300 people and the complex layout of the dance club may have resulted in some patrons being struck by gunfire from officers. (emphasis added)
Dette er jo helt absurd! En skulle kanskje tro at selvmotsigelsene tok slutt her, men neida, det er mer. Denne magiske Mateen var i likhet med ofre og SWAT-mannskap både her og der og ingen steder:
Global Research Editor’s Note
According to Judge Napolitano (Fox News), the Orlando Police Department Timeline not only confirms that no one was killed before 5.13am when the SWAT team entered the building, it also confirms that the first shots were fired at 5.14am and that the suspect was killed one minute later at 5.15am.
Within the scope of one minute, assaulted by the SWAT teams, the suspect according to the official narrative killed 49 people and injured 53. And this happened while the suspect was been fired at by the SWAT teams. In this regard, the OPD admits that some people were in fact killed by the SWAT teams as a result of a cross fire allegedly between the suspect and 8 or 9 SWAT officers. This important “detail” did not make the headlines of the MSM, i.e. that some of the victims were killed by SWAT officers.
The Reports are contradictory, first they say that the SWAT team was being fired upon by the suspect (see quote above) “who had hid in the bathroom” and then they acknowledge that he was killed when the hostages started pouring out of the building:
“A cop rammed his Bearcat armored vehicle through the club wall. Hostages poured out. So did Mateen, guns blazing. With quick efficiency, officers shot him dead.”
Transcript of full Naples Daily News Article (emphasis added)
ORLANDO — Omar Mateen, the killer who claimed allegiance to the Islamic State, hid in a bathroom at Pulse, a gay nightclub where he had slaughtered scores of people. [the killings took place after 5.13am according to OPD] A wall of cinder block separated him from a team of police officers outside. For three hours early Sunday morning, crisis negotiators tried to end the siege.
Then Mateen — whom police said had acted “cool and calm” during discussions — talked about killing more people [no shots fired according to OPD until 5.14am] Alarmed, police placed an explosive device against the wall and detonated it. The breach failed; the hole wasn’t large enough to allow for a successful rescue.
A cop rammed his Bearcat armored vehicle through the club wall. Hostages poured out. So did Mateen, guns blazing.
With quick efficiency, officers shot him dead. [AT 5.15am according to OPD]
So ended the worst armed massacre in American history: 49 victims were killed and 53 wounded.
Monday, Orlando Police Chief John Mina and other law enforcement officers offered new details about the shooting, including the possibility that some victims may have been killed by officers trying to save them.
“I will say this, that’s all part of the investigation,” Mina said. “But I will say when our SWAT officers, about eight or nine officers, opened fire, the backdrop was a concrete wall, and they were being fired upon.”
A law enforcement source close to the investigation who asked not to be named said a crowd of up to 300 people and the complex layout of the dance club may have resulted in some patrons being struck by gunfire from officers.
Were the victims shot by the SWAT teams or by Mateen who was shot at point blank at 5.15am (according to OPD report) while leaving the building together with the hostages? The Orlando Police Chief John Mina acknowledged that SWAT officers had accidentally shot people in the nightclub.
The official story is that Mateen killed 49 people and injured 53.
And this allegedly took place –according to the OPD time line– in a lapse of 1-2 minutes before he was shot dead at 5.15am, while leaving the building.
Hva med homsepulsklubblokalet?
Det er på sin plass å ta en titt på homsepulsklubblokalet der alt dette magiske skjedde. Adressen er 1912 S Orange Ave, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Homsepulsklubblokalet der Omar Mateen gjorde og ikke gjorde ting, må kunne sies å være godt egnet som lokale for illusjonskunster. 320 gjester var det i denne brakka, som dessuten ikke lenger er så uskyldshvit som på bildet. Slumbygningen er svartmalt, men De presstituerte har valgt å vise fram tolv år gamle bilder av stedet. Foto: Wikipedia
Vi tar en titt på hvordan stedet ser ut i dag. Bildene er fra gatevisningen til Google Earth.
Vi bør kunne anta at det var rimelig stinn brakke, sild i tønne, og luft så tjukk at man kunne skåret den med kniv i lokalet da 320 sterkt seksuelt orienterte og høyst sannsynlig berusede mennesker festet hele natta i det som aller mest minner om noe så simpelt som pornosjappene rett på andre siden av svenskegrensa her i Østfold. Her stormet altså Omar Mateen ut av et sprengt hull i veggen sammen med andre livredde mennesker, hvorpå det deretter ble åpnet ild mot dem fra politiets spesialstyrker. Ikke bare det, for samtidig som dette skjedde, befant Mateen seg på toalettet der han begynte å skyte, selv om han altså ikke skjøt, hvorpå SWAT-gjengen skjøt ham der, samtidig som han ble skutt et annet sted, eventuelt motsatt.
Hvorfor lot så FOX-News lovprofessoren komme med denne myndighets- og medie-slaktende og særdeles oppsiktsvekkende nyheten i beste sendetid? Umulig å svare på, og jeg kan ikke tenke meg at han er mer å stole på enn andre yrkeskriminelle innen lov og rett og Lamestream Media. Det kan muligens tyde på at de har begynt å få enormt store problemer med den offisielle versjonen, og at de deretter har begynt å gå ut med individuelle versjoner av “sannheten” for å forsøke rette opp i katastrofen. Vi avslutter med å ta en titt på hullene de sprengte i veggen for å komme inn i homsepulsklubben. Dere vet, de hullene som panikkslagne homsepulsklubbgjester flyktet ut gjennom? For å komme seg i trygghet utenfor lokalet som huset en gal våpendesperado? Hva møtte disse panikkslagne gjestene når de styrtet ut? Jeg lar SWAT-gjengens gleder over å pepre dem med skudd bli siste ord for denne gang. Se på kulehullene rundt hovedåpningen.
Panikkslagne homsepulsklubbgjester ble møtt av SWAT-teamets kulesvermer da de forsøkte flykte ut og i sikkerhet, men hvor er blodet etter massakren?
Foto: Mirror
«They create the impression that the disinfo agents aren’t working for the same people. If they’re fighting with each other, they can’t be on the same side, right? Wrong. Just look at the Republicans and Democrats.
> When disinfo agents fight over BS like the “global collateral accounts,” they distract people from questioning whether the accounts actually exist and instead get them focused on who is providing the “real intel” about them. If all these guys are fighting over something, that something must be real, right? Wrong. »
Jeg kan bare anbefale alle å lese flere poster på dette nettstedet for forhåpentlig enda bedre forståelse av hva vi blir utsatt for. Generelt påstår jeg at mas(s)emedia (eierne) har samme agenda som de større alternative(eierne).
Jepp. Høres ut som en god forklaring, 2Q11.
Denne var ganske morsom. Litt forvirrende med mye fjas på begynnelsen men den blir faktisk ganske underholdende etterhvert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=345anMB0OmI