
Amatør1 kom med flere viktige poenger i sitt innlegg i tråden World Trade Center 11. september 2001, der hovedbudskapet var å sette fokus på de neo-konservative kreftene i USA som står bak den skremmende utviklingen vi ser i dag, der de først gjennomfører terrorhandlinger mot sin egen befolkning, for deretter å skylde på “terrorister” så de kan skremme befolkningen ytterligere, slik at de selv kan lansere “løsninger” på problemet.
PNAC – The Project for the New American Century
Amatør1 skrev:
Alt ligger åpent for den som har øyne å se med,
Intensjonene har ligget åpent på nettstedet http://newamericancentury.org/ i mer
enn 10år. Denne siden er nå stengt, men kan leses her
Fra forordet til PNAC:
The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: that American leadership is good both for America and for the world; that such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle; and that too few political leaders today are making the case for global leadership.
The Project for the New American Century intends, through issue briefs, research papers, advocacy journalism, conferences, and seminars, to explain what American world leadership entails. It will also strive to rally support for a vigorous and principled policy of American international involvement and to stimulate useful public debate on foreign and defense policy and America’s role in the world.
William Kristol, Chairman
Vi tar en rask titt på William Kristol, fra Wikipedia:
William Kristol (born December 23, 1952) is an American neoconservative[1] political analyst and commentator. He is the founder and editor of the political magazine The Weekly Standard and a political commentator on several networks.
Kristol is associated with a number of prominent conservative think tanks. He was chairman of the New Citizenship Project from 1997 to 2005. In 1997, he co-founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) with Robert Kagan. He is a member of the board of trustees for the free-market Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a member of the Policy Advisory Board for the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and a director of the Foreign Policy Initiative. He is also one of the three board members of Keep America Safe, a think tank co-founded by Liz Cheney and Debra Burlingame, and serves on the board of the Emergency Committee for Israel and the Susan B. Anthony List.[2]
Videre skrev Amatør1 i sitt neste innlegg:
Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger
Journal Article, Foreign Affairs, volume 77, issue 6, pages 80-94
November / December 1998
Authors: Ashton B. Carter, John M. Deutch, Philip D. Zelikow
Vi går to av disse nærmere etter i sømmene. Først Phillip D. Zelikow, som jeg i innlegget Sionistenes Ørnulf Ørn og sosiopatene med dobbelt statsborgerskap skrev dette om:
Philip Zelikow. Ledet 9/11 Commission. (Cover Up.) Dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA.
Wikipedia – American Jews, Philip D. Zelikow
Det er genialt, er det ikke? Først er han med på å skrive blåkopien for blant annet 11. september-svindelen, og deretter blir han satt til å lede den offentlige granskingskommisjonen om de samme hendelsene.
Philip David Zelikow (/ˈzɛlɪkoʊ/; born September 21, 1954) is an American attorney, diplomat, academic and author. He has worked as the executive director of the 9/11 Commission
En annen av de nevnte forfatterne av Foreign Affairs-rapporten er John M. Deutch (Wikipedia), og her er litt om ham:
John Mark Deutch (born July 27, 1938) is an American physical chemist and civil servant. He was the United States Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1995 and Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from May 10, 1995 until December 15, 1996.[1] He is anInstitute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and serves on the Board of Directors of Citigroup, Cummins, Raytheon, and Schlumberger Ltd. Deutch is also a member of the Trilateral Commission.[2]
Deutch was born in Brussels, Belgium, the son of Rachel Felicia (Fischer) and Michael Joseph Deutch.[3] He is of Russian Jewish heritage.
Fra nettsiden http://www.whodidit.org/cocon.html:
John Deutch — former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA; co-authored paper, “Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy” with Zelikow, Ashton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium.
Vi tar en titt på den tredje og siste av forfatterne, Ashton B. Carter (Wikipedia). først gjennom nettsiden http://www.whodidit.org/cocon.html:
Ashton Carter — co-authored paper, “Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy” with Zelikow and Deutch; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America.
Så via nettsiden PR Newswire.com, uthevinger er gjort av meg:
Rothschild Forms Strategic Alliance with Global Technology Partners
NEW YORK, May 31 /PRNewswire/ — Rothschild announced today the formation of a strategic alliance with Global Technology Partners, LLC, a specialized group of professionals, including former U.S. Secretary of Defense William Perry, who have extensive public and private sector experience in the technology, defense, and aerospace industries. Global Technology Partners combine CEO, senior management and board of director participation in both Fortune 500 and start-up ventures with high-level federal government experience. Gerald Rosenfeld, Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America, said, «We believe the combination of Rothschild’s global relationships and Global Technology Partner’s access to and knowledge of the international defense and aerospace industry will create high level strategic advisory and investment opportunities. These opportunities will arise from the continued consolidation of second and third tier defense companies, the anticipated relationships that are forming among aerospace and defense companies on a cross border basis and GTP’s insight into defense markets and technologies.» Dr. Perry added, «Rothschild’s worldwide reach and relationships are a good fit to GTP’s perspective on the rapidly-evolving sectors in which we specialize. With Rothschild, we will have a very strong team indeed.» Rothschild, the international investment bank, has 50 offices in over 30 countries around the world, including: London; Paris; New York; Toronto; Frankfurt; Milan; Hong Kong; Singapore; Sydney; Melbourne; and Tokyo. Brief Bios of Global Technology Partners: — Dr. William J. Perry Dr. William J. Perry is a Senior Partner and the Chairman of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Perry served as the U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1997 and as Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1993 to 1994. Earlier in his career, he served as U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Dr. Perry also has extensive business experience. He was a co-founder and President of ESL Inc., which pioneered the application of Hambrecht & Quist, an investment banking firm specializing in high technology companies, and co-founder and Chairman of Technology Strategies and Alliances, a technology-oriented investment banking and consulting firm. He is an advisor to many corporations and recently completed terms as a director of the Boeing Company, United Technologies Corporation, and Hambrecht & Quist. — Dr. John M. Deutch Dr. John M. Deutch is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Deutch has held a number of significant government and academic posts over the last three decades. From 1995 to 1997, Dr. Deutch served as Director of Central Intelligence for the U.S. and was in charge of the Central Intelligence Agency. He had previously served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1995 and Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisitions and Technology from 1993 to 1994. Earlier in his career, Dr. Deutch served in the U.S. Department of Energy as Director of Energy Research and Undersecretary of Energy, where he was responsible for research, development and demonstration programs for all energy technologies. Dr. Deutch serves as a director of Ariad Pharmaceutical, Citigroup. CMS Energy, Cummins Engine, Raytheon Corporation and Schlumberger Ltd. — Dr. John P. White Dr. John P. White is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. White has held several senior federal government positions during his career, including U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1995 to 1997, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1978 to 1981 and Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics from 1977 to 1978. Dr. White also has extensive private sector experience, having served as Chairman and CEO of Interactive Systems Corporation from 1981 to 1988 and, following its sale to the Eastman Kodak Company in 1988, as General Manager of the Integration and Systems Products Division of Kodak, and a Vice President of Kodak until 1992. Dr. White also spent ten years with the RAND Corporation, where he was the Senior Vice President for National Security Research Programs and a member of the Board of Trustees. He serves as a director of Wang Government Services, Inc. and IRG International. — Dr. Paul G. Kaminski Dr. Paul G. Kaminski is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. During his career, Dr. Kaminski has held various senior level positions focusing on advanced technology in both the public and private sectors. Dr. Kaminski most recently served as U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology from 1994 to 1997. His prior experience with the federal government includes twenty years as an Air Force officer, during which time he was Director of the US Low Observable (Stealth) Program. He also managed the development of advanced space reconnaissance systems and new sensor technology. Dr. Kaminski currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Technovation, Inc., a consulting firm focusing on business strategy and advanced technology. He previously held the post of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Technology Strategies and Alliances, a technology-oriented investment banking and consulting firm that he co-founded in 1985 with Dr. William Perry. Dr. Kaminski is a director of General Dynamics, Anteon Corporation, Condor Systems, Inc., DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc., DynCorp, Eagle- Picher Technologies, and Veridian. — Dr. Ashton B. Carter Dr. Ashton B. Carter is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. From 1993 to 1996, Dr. Carter served as U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy, with responsibility for formulating U.S. policy towards Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction worldwide, arms control negotiations, and oversight of the U.S. nuclear arsenal and missile defense programs. He is also the former Chairman of the NATO High Level Group. — Dr. Robert J. Hermann Dr. Robert J. Hermann is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Hermann most recently served as Senior Vice President for Science and Technology at United Technologies Corporation, where he was responsible for the development of the company’s technical resources. Dr. Hermann joined United Technologies in 1982 as Vice President of Systems Technology in the Electronics Sector, and was named Vice President of Science and Technology in 1987. Prior to joining United Technologies, Dr. Hermann served twenty years with the National Security Agency, with assignments in research and development, operations and NATO. In 1977, he was appointed Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Communications, Command, Control and Intelligence. In 1979, he was named Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Research, Development and Logistics and in parallel was Director of the National Reconnaissance Office. He is a director of DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc., and Condor Systems, Inc. — Irving B. Yoskowitz Irving B. Yoskowitz is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Prior to his association with Global Technology Partners, Mr. Yoskowitz spent nearly two decades with United Technologies Corporation, where he served as General Counsel since 1981 and as an Executive Vice President since 1990. He was the company’s lead negotiator for major domestic and international acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures, and served as a member of the company’s Management Executive Committee. Mr. Yoskowitz is a Director of BBA Group, plc., and EQUANT, N.V.
SOURCE Rothschild
Finnes muligheter for å finne løsninger på den sykdommen som forpester verden i dag uten å sette et sylskarpt fokus på askenasi-khazarenes sionisme og lobbyisme?
For å gi et kort svar, så nei, det er umulig. Det er også helt meningsløst å forsøke forstå de store sammenhenger uten å legge til grunn et metertykt grunnlag om når galskapen startet historisk sett, og hvem som sto bak. At flertallet av befolkningen er hjernevasket til å tro at det ikke er slik, spiller ingen rolle. Det må bli en slutt på at folk flest gjemmer seg bak det trygge konsensus. Et konsensus som er grundig bygget opp av de samme kreftene jeg setter et skarpt søkelys på her på bloggen.
Satanisme satt i system – en ondskap bygget opp av sosiopater og skjult så grundig bak “antisemitt”-beskyldninger at flertallet ikke lenger er i stand til å se den ondskapen som befinner seg rett foran nesetippen deres
The Greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.
Verden knuges av en illusjon. Folk blendes av en uvirkelighet. En uvirkelighet så genialt oppbygd at de fleste gjenkjenner den som en realitet. Her er nok et forsøk på å rive ofrene for svindelen ut av tornerosesøvnen:
Michael F. Scheuer – Wikipedia
– Al Qaida var ikke noe problem da bin Laden levde. Al Qaida er ikke noe problem nå når han er død.
– Problemet er det jødiske samfunnet i USA som påvirker og korrumperer Kongressen.
– Amerikanske myndigheter kriger mot en fiende som ikke eksisterer.
Michael F. Scheuer (born 1952) is a former CIA intelligence officer, American blogger, historian, foreign policy critic, and political analyst. He is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Peace and Security Studies and an Expert at Wikistrat.
In his 22-year career, he served as the Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station (aka «Alec Station»), from 1996 to 1999, the Osama bin Laden tracking unit at the Counterterrorist Center. He then worked again as Special Advisor to the Chief of the bin Laden unit from September 2001 to November 2004.
Hør hva Scheuer har å fortelle iløpet av de første halvannet minuttene:
September 11
Battle of Vienna september 11, 1683
The battle was fought by the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations under the command of King Jan III Sobieski against the invading Muslim Ottoman Empire
Ground was broken for construction on September 11, 1941
September 11, 1973 coup in Chile.
Sept. 11, 1786
«Convention of Annapolis opens with the aim of revising the Articles of Confederation.»
This was the first conference of the Constitutional Convention, which led to the adoption of the constitution and the establishment of the federal government the next year. Sept. 11 in a sense was the day when the United States was born.