Om årsak og virkning

Vestens økonomiske sanksjoner mot Russland forklares og forsvares ofte som en reaksjon på nedskytingen av Malaysia Airlines MH17 den 17. Juli 2014 over Ukraina. Med dette oppnår USA å etterlate et inntrykk av at skyldspørsmålet er avgjort, samtidig som man lykkes med å skade og splitte relasjonene mellom Russland og vest-europa. Som en følge av USA/EU-sanksjonene mot Russland har Russland forbudt import av fisk- og jordbruksvarer fra EU og Norge, noe som gir store problemer, selv om vestlige medier ikke skriver særlig mye om dette foreløpig.

USA hevdet umiddelbart etter MH17-nedskytingen at de hadde klare bevis i skyldspørsmålet, men har mer enn ett år seinere fortsatt ikke lagt fram noe som helst som ligner bevis. Ingenting. Ingen betviler at USA sitter på detaljert informasjon om hva som skjedde, det var bl.a. en amerikansk satelitt som passerte over Ukraina på det angjeldende tidspunktet, og denne satelitten har utvilsomt gitt etteretningstjenesten i USA et vell av bilder og annen dokumentasjon, akkurat slik utenriksminister John Kerry selv påstod i dagene etterpå:

John Kerry, 20. Juli 2014:

«We know because we observed it by imagery that at the moment of the shoot-down, we detected a launch from that area and our trajectory shows that it went to the aircraft.«

Idag, mer enn et helt år etter nedskytingen er det stillhet rundt disse bevisene John Kerry hevder å ha. Er det sannsynlig at USA, som har vært mildt sagt opptatt med å legge skylden på Russland i denne saken, ikke vil legge fram de klare bevisene som viser at det de sier er riktig? Eller kan det være slik at de bevisene de uten tvil besitter peker i en annen retning? Hva skjer med grunnlaget for sanksjonene mot Russland dersom disse bevisene legges fram?

Uavhengige medier har pekt på at Kerry og USA-NATO ikke har særlig troverdighet i MH17-saken, men bidrar selv til å sementere inntrykket av at sanksjonene mot Russland etterfulgte nedskytingen av MH17:


Malaysian Airlines MH17 Downed by Ukrainian Military Aircraft. Kiev Regime False Flag

Global Research has from the outset provided extensive coverage of the downing of MH17. The evidence and analysis not only dispels Prime Minister Abbott’s accusations, it points unequivocally to a false flag attack instigated by the US-NATO supported Kiev regime, as well as a coverup by the Australian and Dutch investigators.

Lest we forget, the downing of MH17 was used as a pretext by Washington to impose economic sanctions on the Russian Federation.

Husk at MH17 ble skutt ned 17. Juli 2014.

Under finner du et skjermbilde fra en amerikansk regjerings-webside som annonserer sanksjoner mot Russland. Sanksjonene er datert 16. Juli 2014.


Var sanksjonene mot Russland en reaksjon mot nedskytingen av MH17?

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23. august 2015 01:30
Reply to  Amatør1

Hva gjorde de ukrainske SU-25 flyene nær MH17 den dagen?

De skjøt det ned. Ordre gitt. Ordre fulgt. Oppdrag ferdig. Alt var planlagt på forhånd. Se til sikkerhetsfirmaet på avgangsflyplassen, og sjekk resten av historikken der. Flyet ble skutt ned samtidig som Israel begynte bombingen av sivile i Gaza. Er det lettere å svelge om vi kaller folkene bak for amerikanere, så gjerne for meg. To navn, samme elendighet.

Såkalte sikkerhetsfirmaer med ansvaret for flyplasser og annet har vokst opp som et slimspor etter tidligere Mossad-agenter. Her i Norge også.

Flott at du holder denne saken i gang, Amatør1. Den er viktig, og implikasjonene er egentlig helt groteske.

23. august 2015 01:37
Reply to  Jostemikk

Kan lese om det israelske «sikkerhets»firmaet her:,99.msg36246.html#msg36246

Så må en ta med i betraktningen hvem som finansierte kuppet i Ukraina. Det var USA, men de var sannelig ikke alene. G. Soros har hatt dette som sitt yndlingsprosjekt. Deretter må en ta en titt på hvem som eier makten i Ukraina nå i dag. Dette ser ikke bra ut, og jeg har aldri forsøke fleipe de gangene jeg har sagt at bankoligarkene av askenasi-herkomst har stått bak hver eneste krig og revolusjon folk noen gang har hørt om.

23. august 2015 14:16

Kan lese om det israelske «sikkerhets»firmaet her:,99.msg36246.html#msg36246

Det er bedre å hente hele dette innlegget enn bare å legge ut lenke til det. Her er det i sin helhet.

Dette er skikkelig hakeslipp-stoff
Først litt grunnleggende kunnskap.


The Shin Bet, known in Hebrew by its acronym Shabak (Sherut ha’Bitachon ha’Klali or General Security Service), is Israel’s internal security service, and currently headed by Yuval Diskin.
The Shin Bet is one of three principal organizations of Israel’s intelligence community, along with Military Intelligence (Amman) and the Mossad, which is responsible for intelligence abroad.
According to its 2002 statute, the organization “serves the state of Israel and protects it from threats of terror, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and the exposure of state secrets.”
The Shin Bet was founded in 1948 with the declaration of Israel’s independence, initially as a branch of the IDF. Responsibility for Shin Bet activity was later transferred from the IDF to the office of the prime minister.

Shin Bet etablerte et sikkerhetsfirma ved navn ICTS International


ICTS International is an Israeli firm based in the Netherlands that develops products and provides consulting and personnel services in the field of aviation and general security. It was established in 1982, by former members of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency, and El Al airline security agents.

Malaysian Airlines MH17 tok av fra Shipol Lufthavn i Nederland
Her er hva flyplassen selv skriver om tragedien:


It was with sorrow and horror that the employees of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol learned of the crashing of the Malaysia Airlines aircraft on 17 July. In this difficult time, we feel deeply connected with the family members and relatives of the passengers and crew of the aircraft. We wish them every strength in this sorrowful time.
Jos Nijhuis
President of Schiphol Group

ICTS International er ansvarlige for sikkerheten ved Shipol


ICTS International and its two subsidiaries, ISEC and PI, provide security services to the Schipol airport, United Airlines and US Airways. The firm’s security system came under scrutiny and as part of the international investigation into how Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was able to board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 with explosive materials.
ICTS’ subsidiary, Huntleigh, shared security duties at Boston’s Logan Airport on September 11, 2001, where two of the four planes hijacked for use in the attacks originated. According to Logan Airpor

Har noen sett dokumentasjon på at Flight MH17 ble skutt ned av bakke til luft-raketter eller luft til luft-raketter
Hvorfor snakker ingen om muligheten for at flyet ble sprengt av en medbragt bombe over det strategisk ønskede området i Ukraina, det som motstandsstyrkene mot kupp-regjeringen i Ukraina dominerer?
To andre ting er verdt å merke seg. ICTS’ subsidiary, Huntleigh, shared security duties at Boston’s Logan Airport on September 11, 2001, where two of the four planes hijacked for use in the attacks originated, og The firm’s security system came under scrutiny and as part of the international investigation into how Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was able to board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 with explosive materials
Northwest Airlines Flight 253 25. desember 2009



Northwest Airlines Flight 253 was an international passenger flight from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands, to Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport in Romulus, Michigan, United States. The flight was the target of a failed al-Qaeda bombing attempt on Christmas Day, December 25, 2009, in which a passenger tried to set off plastic explosives sewn to his underwear. There were 290 people on board the aircraft—an Airbus A330-323E operated by Northwest Airlines, which had merged with Delta Air Lines the year before. Had the attempt succeeded, it would have surpassed American Airlines Flight 191 as the deadliest aviation occurrence on U.S. soil and tied Iran Air Flight 655 as the seventh-deadliest of all time. The incident was also the second in 2009 involving an Airbus A330, after Air France Flight 447.
The convicted bomber in the «Christmas Day bombing attempt» was 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian who had concealed plastic explosives in his underwear but failed to detonate them properly.

Dette er nok et eksempel på en falskt flagg-operasjon satt i scene av Israel/Mossad. Jeg går ikke så mye nærmere inn på denne saken i dette innlegget, men velger allikevel å siterer kort fra Wikipedia, samt fra bloggen til Haskell-familien:


Pre-boarding event
Kurt and Lori Haskell, an American couple, said that while waiting to board Flight 253 at Schiphol Airport, they saw a «poor-looking african-american teenager around 16 or 17,» who Kurt Haskell claims was Abdulmutallab, with a second man, who was «sharp-dressed», possibly of Indian descent, around 50 years old, and who spoke «in an American accent similar to my own.»[11][12]
According to Lori Haskell, the second man told the ticket agent: «We need to get this man on the plane. He doesn’t have a passport.» The ticket agent said nobody was allowed to board without a passport. The well-dressed man replied: «We do this all the time; he’s from Sudan.»[13][14] Lori Haskell said the two men were directed down a corridor, to talk to a manager. «We never saw him again until he tried to blow up our plane,» Lori Haskell said of Abdulmutallab.[12]
Only U.S. citizens are permitted to board international flights to the U.S. without passports, and even then only if the airline confirms their identity and citizenship, said a spokesperson for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).[15] A CBP official and spokesman confirmed there were not any Sudanese refugees on the plane.[15] The Dutch counter-terror agency said that Abdulmutallab presented a valid Nigerian passport and U.S. entry visa when he boarded Flight 253.[16] After reviewing more than 200 hours of security camera recordings, it did not find any indication that he had accomplices at the airport or that he acted suspiciously there.[17]
Haskell suggested authorities should, «Put the video out there to prove I’m wrong.»[18] Federal agents later said they were trying to identify and find the well-dressed man. U.S. authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, but agents later said there was a growing belief that the man played a role in ensuring Abdulmutallab «did not get cold feet».


The Colossal Deceit Known As The Underwear Bomber Case
by Kurt Haskell
With jury selection set to begin in the Underwear Bomber Trial set to begin tomorrow, I’ve spent the evening reminiscing about Christmas Day 2009 and the 21 months since. The Underwear Bomber attack has fundamentally changed my life. Not in the way most would think, but it has destroyed any faith I’ve had in the U.S. Government, the media and this country as a whole. To say that I believe the government is corrupt and the media is complicit doesn’t fully explain my beliefs. Not only have I come to those conclusions, but I’ve witnessed that an ordinary person who sees something important can be silenced despite his efforts to spread the truth. Such is the Underwear Bomber case. I can do nothing but laugh at the TSA’s new policy of «If you see something say something.» That is exactly what I did, and not only did the U.S. Government not want to hear what I had to say, but it actively lied about it, attempted to get me to change my story, and hid, by withholding (secret government) evidence or putting a protective order on the evidence and nearly everything that would support my eyewitness account.

Hvorfor har israelsk e-tjeneste å gjøre med sikkerheten på Gardermoen Lufthavn?

NOKAS og ICTS samarbeider om sikkerheten på Gardermoen.


Nokas inngår kontrakt med Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen
Nokas har signert kontrakt med Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen og har med dette blitt ansvarlig for kvalitetskontroll ved flyplassen.
Nokas ser stadig etter nye muligheter, og denne kontrakten er en viktig og spennende begynnelse på et nytt satsingsområde innen aviation security (flyplassikkerhet). Nokas har etablert et eget AS i samarbeid med ICTS Europe – et verdensomspennende selskap med aviation som spesialområde

Dessverre dreier ikke ICTS virkeområde seg kun om flysikkerhet.

23. august 2015 14:24

Media, altså Lamestream Media/De presstituerte, har ikke sviktet i denne saken. De har aldri sviktet i noen sak. De gjør en perfekt jobb angående arbeidsoppgavene de er gitt, og de har hele tiden vært å dreie fokus vekk fra fakta, og produsere mengder av avsporende hypoteser, slik at folk ikke skal forstå noe som helst.

Fra følgende nettside har jeg lagt ut noen linker om psyops, eller psykologisk krigføring. Klikk tekstbildet for å komme til siden:

Alle linkene under unntatt den første og siste er PDF-dokumenter. Under linkene legger jeg ut noen sitater, og det dette først og fremst handler om er hvordan USA bruker voldsomme ressurser på å hjernevaske innbyggerne jorda rundt ved hjelp av mainstream media. Dette betyr i klartekst at det ikke finnes en eneste grunn til å tro noe som helst av det dere leser i MSM om de siste tiårs konflikter.

Psychological Operations Interview with the the former Deputy Commander of NATO’s Information Campaign in Bosnia, Infocon Magazine Issue One, October 2003

Joint Publication 3-53 – Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, [1 MB], Joint Chiefs of Staff, 5 September 2003

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on the Creation and Dissemination of All Forms of Information in Support of Psychological Operations (PSYOP) in Time of Military Conflict [ 900k], May 2000

OPNAVINST 3434.1 Psychological Operations [565K] by the Chief of Naval Operations 1999

Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5.4 – Public Affairs Operations, [1.22M], October 1999

US Air Force Doctrine 2-5.3: Psychological Operations [710K] published in August 1999

(old) US JP 3-53: Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations [447K] published in July 1996

Psychological Operations Factsheet

Civil Affairs – The activities of a commander that establish, maintain, influence, or exploit relations between military forces and civil authorities, both governmental and nongovernmental, and the civilian populace in a friendly, neutral, or hostile area of operations in order to facilitate military operations and consolidate operational objectives. Civil affairs may include performance by military forces of activities and functions normally the responsibility of local government. These activities may occur prior to, during, or subsequent to other military actions. They may also occur, if directed, in the absence of other military operations. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Consolidation Psychological Operations – Psychological operations conducted in foreign areas inhabited by an enemy or potentially hostile populace and occupied by United States forces, or in which United States forces are based, designed to produce behaviors by the foreign populace that support United States objectives in the area. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Overt Peacetime Psychological Operations Programs – Those programs developed by combatant commands, in coordination with the chiefs of US diplomatic missions, that plan, support, and provide for the conduct, during military operations other than war, of psychological operations in support of US regional objectives, policies, interests, and theater military missions. Also called OP3. (Approved for inclusion in next edition of Joint Pub 1-02)

Propaganda – Any form of communication in support of national objectives designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of any group in order to benefit the sponsor, either directly or indirectly. (Joint Pub 1-02)

Psychological Operations – Planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psychological operations is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behavior favorable to the originator’s objectives. Also called PSYOP. (Joint Pub 1-02)