Statlig sikkerhet eller statlig terrorisme?

Tenk dere en tverrpolitisk enighet i Norge om hvordan sikkerheten til egen befolkning skal forsterkes, og at Stortinget nedsetter et utvalg for å bygge opp en organisasjon for gjennomføring av dette.

Det nye organet får navn, og de knytter til seg ekspertise gjennom utenlandske konsulenter. Sjokkerende nok viser det seg at de to ledende ekspertene man har knyttet til seg har en mer enn luguber fortid. Den ene kommer fra KGB, den andre var leder av Stasi.

Alle forstår at dette ville ført til et rabalder av dimensjoner. Det ville vært uhørt. Det norske folk og forhåpentlig flertallet blant vårt lands politikere ville ikke akseptert dette. Det ville endt med tidens oppvask, og de ansvarlige politikere og embedsfolk ville blitt filleristet og kastet ut i kulden for forhåpentlig aldri mer å kunne tiltrådt viktige, offentlige stillinger.

Noen vil nok avfeie muligheten for at en slik hendelse i Norge eller en samarbeidende nasjon vi sammenligner oss med noen gang skal kunne skje.

Problemet er bare det at det har skjedd. I USA.

Department of Homeland Security er bygd opp av askenasikhazarer med dobbelt statsborgerskap USA/Israel, og søkte eksperthjelp hos KGB og Stasi

Vi begynner med Markus Wolf, den askenasikhazarske sjefen for det beryktede Stasi i Øst-Tyskland. Her er en presentasjon fra Wikipedia – Markus Wolf:

Markus Johannes «Mischa» Wolf (19 January 1923 – 9 November 2006) was head of the General Intelligence Administration(Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung), the foreign intelligence division of East Germany‘s Ministry for State Security (MfS, commonly known as the Stasi). He was the MfS’s number two for 34 years, which spanned most of the Cold War. Many intelligence experts[weasel words]regard him as one of the greatest spymasters of all time.



Life and career

Born in Hechingen, Province of Hohenzollern (now Baden-Württemberg), Wolf was the son of the writer and physician Friedrich Wolfand brother of film director Konrad Wolf. His father was a member of the Communist Party of Germany, and after Adolf Hitler gained power, Wolf emigrated to Moscow with his father, via Switzerland and France, because of their Communist convictions and because Wolf’s father was Jewish.

Her er et utdrag fra Corbet Report – Corbett Report – The Snitch State, Stasi-style secret police system forming in Canada, Britain, US

The historical parallels to the Stasi should be obvious. The Stasi were the dreaded secret police of East Germany, who had one out of every seven citizens of the country working for them as secret informants. What is perhaps most surprising is that the US Department of Homeland Security hired the ex-Stasi chief and engineer of the Stasi police state as a consultant in 2004, shortly before they brought in a program known as Highway Watch, which has spent millions of dollars teaching tens of thousands of long distance truckers how to spot terrorists on the road. The hiring of the ex-chief of the Stasi to consult for Homeland Security also coincided with a 2004 White House push to recruit over 15,000 citizen informants to help counterterrorism investigations…and all this effort despite the fact that terrorist-related cases account for less than 0.01 percent of all Homeland Security investigations. Markus Wolf (now deceased) and his Stasi shadow loom large over the Homeland Security Department he helped shape.

Look for the number of false accusations from anonymous citizen informants to increase under the watchful eye of these government paranoia programs.

Dette minner da skremmende om Jens Stoltenbergs uttrykte ønske om at nabokjerringer må begynne å varsle om mistenkelig oppførsel hos naboene, gjør det ikke?

Nå skal vi ta en titt på den ukrainske KGB-sjefen, og politiker med et iskaldt gufs fra Sovjet-perioden, Yevgeny Primakov. Også han en askenasikhazar. Fra Wikipedia:

Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov (Russian: Евге́ний Макси́мович Примако́в, tr. Yevgeniy Maksimovich Primakov; born 29 October 1929) is a Russian politician and diplomat who was Prime Minister of Russia from 1998 to 1999. During his long career, he also served as Foreign Minister, Speaker of the Soviet of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, and chief of the intelligence service.


Om blant annet hans genetiske herkomst, her er litt fra

Like another spymaster who once moved to the Kremlin, the former Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, Mr Primakov is a publicity-shy apparatchik. As with Mr Andropov, promotion has prompted old pals to ascribe to him some lovable qualities. Accordingly, he “adores red wine”, “enjoys cracking jokes” and “writes poetry” in his spare time.

Actually, very little is really known about him. Those who have dined with him have noticed that he is by no means teetotal. His health is adequate, not robust. His jokes in public have been rare, and occasionally tactless: telling, for example, a Polish journalist “Don’t worry, we won’t send tanks.” (How about a German foreign minister saying that to the Dutch?) He speaks good Arabic and passable English. He says his favourite fiction is by John Le Carré, the British spy novelist.

His background would certainly provide intriguing material for Mr Le Carré. Despite Jewish origins (a grave disadvantage in Communist times), and the sudden disappearance of his father, né Finkelstein, in a Stalinist purge, Primakov Junior was always impeccably loyal to the totalitarian Soviet Union—writing a fine defence, for example, of its invasion of Afghanistan. Since communism’s fall, he has done his best to preserve Russia’s menacing self-image as a great power. “Russia is still a prisoner of its imperial past and Mr Primakov is a symbol of it,” says Mr Gaidar.


«Wolf is the man that effectively built the East German state intelligence operation’s internal directorate,» Martin continues. «He turned half the population into informants. That is his specialty, is taking a population, constructing the various state divisions, mechanisms of control, in order to organize informants within the population. That is his real specialty. And that is precisely, as Primakov has intimated, why Wolf is being brought in. The regime knows that once all of Patriot II is in law and they begin working on Patriot III, they will then begin to establish the internal mechanism to coordinate, as an official function of state, a system of informants. Wolf’s speciality was to turn East Germany into the greatest and most efficient informant state ever created.»

On a radio appearance earlier today Martin stated that the admission that Wolf would be hired was made in a BBC radio interview given by the former head of the KGB, General Yevgeni Primakov.

Martin had previously reported that Primakov had been hired as a consultant by the US Department of Homeland Security to implement CAPPS II and the national iD card system which he dubbed an ‘internal passport’.

Sources close to Martin have told Alex Jones confidentially that the appointment of Wolf was also confirmed by a US Congressman.

During his radio interview, Martin outlined the immediate agenda. The remaining portions of the 9/11 Commission intelligence reccomendations which include the introduction of a national ID card would be passed and subsequently ‘Patriot Act 3,’ which would include the formal establishment of a Stasi-like domestic spying organisation which would be similar in scope to the TIPS program.

TIPS, which was supposedly nixed by Congress, would have recruited one in twenty-four Americans as domestic informants, a higher percentage than was used by the Stasi in East Germany.

De kriminelle bak styggedommen

For å kunne forstå mer hvordan alt dette henger sammen, anbefaler jeg å lese Sionistenes Ørnulf Ørn og sosiopatene med dobbelt statsborgerskap, der sionisthaukene bak de kriminelle handlingene er mer grundig presentert. Avslutningsvis minner jeg om en av dem, og siterer fra den linkede artikkelen:

Michael Chertoff er sionistenes Ørnulf Ørn. Mer av en ørn enn den mer stereotypiske hauke-karakteristikken talmud-sionistene pleier få, og med fingrene borti alt som er galt. Absolutt alt. Han er talmud-sionist med dobbelt statsborgerskap Israel/USA. En av svært mange i viktige og svært innflytelsesrike posisjoner i dagens USA.

I dette innlegget skal vi ta en nøyere titt på hvem han er og hvem han representerer, samt en del andre sosiopater som er medskyldig i en god slump av verdens ondskap.

Michael Chertoff

Ørnulf Ørn

Michael Chertoff (born November 28, 1953) was the second United States Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bushand co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act. He previously served as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, as a federal prosecutor, and as Assistant U.S. Attorney General. He succeeded Tom Ridge as United States Secretary of Homeland Security on February 15, 2005.

Since leaving government service, Chertoff has worked as senior of counselat the Washington, D.C., law firm of Covington & Burling.[1] He also co-founded the Chertoff Group, a risk-management and security consulting company, which employs several senior officials not only from his time as Secretary of Homeland Security (like Hon. Paul A. Schneider, former deputy secretary of DHS), but also from the time of the Obama administration (like Mark Weatherford, former deputy under-secretary of DHS), as well asMichael Hayden, a former director of the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.[2]

Early life

Chertoff was born on November 28, 1953 in Elizabeth, New Jersey. His father is Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff (1915–96), a Talmud scholar and the former leader of the Congregation B’nai Israel in Elizabeth. His mother is Livia Chertoff (née Eisen), an Israeli citizen and the first flight attendant for El Al.[3] His paternal grandparents are Rabbi Paul Chertoff[4] and Esther Barish Chertoff.[5]

Chertoff went to the Jewish Educational Center in Elizabeth as well as thePingry School.

Michael Chertoff er rett og slett en av de mektigste menn innen overvåking og etterretning, samt full overvåking av amerikanske innbyggere gjennom sin lederrolle iHomeland Security og som forfatter av The Patriot Act. Han startet selv opp Chertoff-Group, og ansatte tidligere ledere fra både NSA og CIA.

Chertoff er også hovedinitiativtager når det gjelder det omstridte kroppsskanning-prosjektet. Kanskje ikke så rart, for foruten å være talsmann for fullstendig overvåking av vanlige mennesker, har han i firmaet Chertoff-Group kunder som produserer utstyret:

Michael Chertoff has been an advocate of enhanced technologies, such as full body scanners. His consulting firm Chertoff Group (founded 2009) represents manufacturers of the scanners.

Michael Chertoff har delt statsborgerskap gjennom at moren hans var israelsk statsborger, og dessuten Mossad-agent.

Jeg undres over om det finnes eksempler på offentlige ledere i Norge som driver firmaer på si’ som får kontrakter av myndighetene?

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20. juli 2015 12:03

VG er ingen kilde egentlig, men allikevel

Hvor ble det av åpenheten?

«Etter terroren 22. juli 2011 lovte daværende statsminister Stoltenberg mer åpenhet. I to år har jeg forgjeves forsøkt å få innsyn i politiets avhør med Anders Behring Breivik. Jeg ble fortalt at Breivik fikk bestemme over sine egne avhør. I Sverige ville det vært et grunnlovsbrudd.»

Hva er det å skjule?

20. juli 2015 15:24
Reply to  Jostemikk

Poenget med at «Breivik fikk bestemme over sine egne avhør» er jo forsåvidt interessant. Det er vel ingen grunn til å tro at Breivik vil nekte noen innsyn i disse avhørene? Det er vel heller tvert imot? Det er derimot åpenbart at dette er noe myndighetene motsetter seg. Man kan sikket hevde at dette gjør de med en viss grunn, men det er altså ikke det de selv sier, og det er åpenbart en løgn.