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Sweden Dumps Neutrality, Signs Major Agreement with NATO

Press statement from Stop NATO in Norway

This is a press statement from the organisation Stop NATO in Norway, regarding Sweden’s recent decision to sign a Host Country Agreement with NATO:

A sad day for Sweden. A sad day for the Nordic countries. A sad day for peace.

On May 25th Riksdagen (the Swedish National Assembly) sacrificed the Swedish neutrality policy by joining the  NATO Host Country Agreement. This happened almost without any public debate. Popular protests and 41 300 signatures have been swept aside by Riksdagen.

The Agreement makes Sweden a possible host country for aggressive NATO exercises during peacetime. In addition, the Swedish government may allow NATO to invade the country if a crisis or a conflict should occur. Inevitably, Sweden will become directly involved in NATO’s armament proliferation and their aggressive provocations against Russia. Large-scale fleet exercises in the Baltic Sea will further increase the danger of confrontation and war.

This is not only a tragedy for Sweden; it increases the arms race and the danger of war throughout Europe. The fact that Sweden has been staying out of military alliances until now, has been a stabilizing factor throughout Northern Europe. The Swedish submission to NATO may spell the end to peace in the Nordic region.

Forcing Sweden and Finland into the military alliance has been an aim for NATO and the United States for a long time. The governments of Denmark and Norway have been henchmen in this filthy game. The appointments of Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Jens Stoltenberg as Secretary Generals have been part of a strategy to coerce and bribe Sweden and Finland into joining the alliance.

Da Jens Stoltenberg lovte mer demokrati kan det se ut som om han mente å skremme, bombe og skyte mennesker til det. Ingen ser ut til å ha noen som helst mulighet til å slippe unna Stoltenbergs demokratiske kriger.

Jens Stoltenberg NATO
Jens Stoltenberg er forkjemper for å tvinge mennesker til demokrati gjennom
alvorlige krigstrusler.

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29. mai 2016 14:29

Dette har ligget i kortene en stund. En sann tragedie.

Relatert: Tidligere generalsekretær for NATO, dansken Anders Fogh Rasmussen er utnevnt til «rådgiver» for Nazi-president Petro Poroshenko i Ukraina
Poroshenko Pick of Ex-NATO Chief as Adviser Likely to Inflame Ukraine

1. juni 2016 08:02

In the latest sign of increasing NATO expansion, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has promised to deploy more troops to Poland.

«So let me be clear: there will be more NATO troops in Poland after the Warsaw Summit, to send a clear signal that an attack on Poland will be considered an attack on the whole alliance,» he told reporters, after a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda on Monday.

Stoltenberg må stilles for retten, tiltalt for forbrytelser mot menneskeheten.

1. juni 2016 08:38

Stoltenberg må stilles for retten, tiltalt for forbrytelser mot menneskeheten.

Folk må vel være bra hjerneblåste for ikke å være enig med deg i den uttalelsen. Dessverre er ordet rettferdighet på vei til å bli et fremmedord, og praktiseres ikke lenger 🙁

Jan Sørlie
16. april 2017 20:19

Har du noen gang lagt merke til pupillene til Jens,Jostemikk ?.Jeg har lagret noen bilder på Jens,alltid disse merkelige pupillene.Vi haddeen liten diskusjon på FB rundt dette,da såkalte vitner og ofre fra false flag attentater,de hadde de samme flotte øynene.Så enten er de i samme familie ellerde har kanskje tatt seg noe styrkende ?.