Uenig med myndighetene? Da er du en low-level terrorist!

Kampen mot “terror” gått så langt at du blir karakterisert som en terrorist, riktignok på lavt nivå, hvis du er uenig med myndighetene. Pentagon-forskere og representanter for Forsvaret i USA, er sammen med politiet virkelig på alerten for å få en slutt på det de anser være en terroristtrussel, politisk uenighet gjennom offentlige protester.

For å bla gjennom noen treff, er en god start å klikke her, og da ser en raskt at dette ikke er et brudd på de demokratiske spillereglene og menneskerettighetene som er av ny dato.

Det finnes heldigvis personer og grupperinger innen universitetsmiljøene i USA som synes dette er en dårlig idé.


ACLU Challenges Defense Department Personnel Policy To Regard Lawful Protests As “Low-Level Terrorism”

June 10, 2009

Contact: 202.675.2312 or media@dcaclu.org

Anti-terrorism training materials currently being used by the Department of Defense (DoD) teach its personnel that free expression in the form of public protests should be regarded as “low level terrorism.” ACLU attorneys are calling the approach “an egregious insult to constitutional values” and have sent a letter to the Department of Defense demanding that the offending materials be changed and that the DoD send corrective information to all DoD employees who received the erroneous training.

“DoD employees cannot fully protect our nation and its values unless they understand that a core American value is the constitutional right to criticize our government through protest activities,” said ACLU of Northern California attorney Ann Brick. “It is fundamentally wrong to equate activism with terrorism.”

Among the multiple-choice questions included in its Level 1 Antiterrorism Awareness training course, the DoD asks the following: “Which of the following is an example of low-level terrorist activity?”  To answer correctly, the examinee must select “protests.”

Den germansk-askenasiske statsministeren David Cameron karakteriserer alle som er uenige med Vestens utenrikspolitikk som terrorister

Tror du ikke på den offisielle versjonen av 11. september 2001-hendelsene? Da er du terrorist. Tror du ikke på den offisielle rapporten om 7. juli-bombingen i London 2005? Da er du en terrorist som skal slås hardt ned på med alle midler. Mener du at det beviselig var en jukse-henrettelse av politimannen på gata i Paris? Ooops! Du går rett i fengsel, og selv om du passerer start, får du ikke 2000 kroner.

Er du uenige med David Cameron? Da er du en løgnaktig og livsfarlig ekstremist det med lovlige midler skal slåes hardt ned på. Les: Livet ditt er over. På en eller annen måte skal du ut av sirkulasjon. Camerons begrunnelse er at du er en uhyre farlig hat-spreder, og således ikke bedre enn en hvilken som helst terrorist som sprenger mennesker og bygninger i lufta. Tror du at askenasikhazarer har stått bak terrorhendelser? Dumt, for da skal du knuses.

Hvordan Cameron skal gjennomføre utryddelsen av de som utøver sine menneskerettigheter, blant annet ytringsrett og retten til å være uenige?

De som ikke blir stoppet/drept direkte, skal miste sin makt fordi Cameron har bestemt at det skal bli ulovlig å tilegne seg kunnskap gjennom å lese blogger som Jostemikk.com. Denne og andre nettsider skal nemlig gjennom lov stenges, og eierne skal tas. De eneste kildene til opplysning som i fremtiden skal være lovlige, er nettsidene til Lamestream Media/The Presstitutes.

Personlig er jeg av den oppfatning at en av de første terroristene som bør idømmes lovens strengeste straff er David Cameron. Videre mener jeg at han ikke er annet enn en ekkel, liten askenasi-tass som bruker mistenkelig mye tid og krefter på å beskytte pedofiliringen som er bygget opp av britiske toppolitikere.


Westminster paedophile ring: David Cameron is ‘dismissive’ of sex abuse allegations, MP Simon Danczuk claims

An MP heading the campaign to uncover sexual abuse allegations involving politicians has accused David Cameron of being “dismissive” of the issue.

Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk, who helped to expose his predecessor Sir Cyril Smith as a child abuser, said he believes there is “schism” in the Cabinet regarding sexual abuse allegations.

Speaking to Sky News, he accused the Prime Minister of being “dismissive” and “[wanting] to move on from [the allegations]”.

Mr Danczuk’s damning assessment of Mr Cameron’s attitude comes after the Prime Minister said earlier in the year that there will be “no stone unturned” during the inquiry into allegations of historic sex abuse in Westminster and other institutions.

Since then, Scotland Yard has launched a further investigation, known as Operation Midland, into allegations that young boys were killed by members of the establishment after being sexually abused.

Today, police said a “credible” witness has come forward to detail his abuse at the hands of a Conservative politician.

The man – known only as Nick –has claimed that a Conservative MP murdered a boy during a sex attack, and a second boy was killed by a ring of abusers active in the late 1970s and 80s.

He claims that a third boy was deliberately run down in a car, which he said was a direct warning to him to keep quiet, according to an account given to investigative journalism website Exaro.

Mest av alt virker det som om Davis Cameron og hans brothers in crimes føler et storet behov for å få fokuset vekk fra egne kriminelle handlinger og over på alle de som jobber så blod og svette renner for å avsløre sosiopatene som sitter i toppstillinger.

Begynner du å svette under baby-pungen, David Cameron? Er det godt å iscenesette noen falske flagg-operasjoner for å få fokuset bort fra din egen syke hjerne og dine egne kriminelle handlinger? Har det begynt å brenne under egen ræv? Svir det i skrumptestiklene?


The Color of David Cameron’s Underwear

If Cameron was «dirty» at age 25, could he be filthy now?

In 1975, South Africa signed a top secret accord which allowed Israel to build and test, not only nuclear weapons but chemical and biological weapons as well. The deal was “build and test,” not just nukes but gas and bioweapons as well.

This was done, covered up by the Reconciliation Commission, but the facts are there, BX gas, VX gas, ebola, anthrax, small pox among others, released in Angola and against other non-white populations across Africa.

On September 3, 1989, one of ten nuclear devices to be created through this partnership was exploded.  American satellites picked up the 80 millisecond double flash while sonic detectors, part of the worldwide anti-submarine network, picked up the signature of a nuclear explosion, this one on a barge off Price Edward Island.

As explained in the video, which gets everything right, the remaining 9 nuclear weapons were sold to the US and Britain.  David Cameron was part of the delegation that purchased 3 of the weapons.  This deal was an 11th hour scam, worked out between politicians and arms dealers.  It involved stealing at least $50 million for a political slush fund but there was something far more sinister involved.  The deal Cameron was a part of along with Dr. David Kelly and John Bradenkamp, the quite famous arms trafficker, involved stealing nuclear weapons.

Horebukken og havresekken

Avsløringene av overgrepssakene i Storbritannia dreier seg om mye mer enn det lille som er sitert fra The Independent over. Det dreier seg heller ikke bare om politikere, det dreier seg om dommere, kongelige, medlemmer av diverse losjer og hemmelige tjenester. Som med alle andre forbrytelser begått av samfunnstoppene nedsetter de et utvalg for å “granske” det som har skjedd. Der putter de inn sine egne, og kort tid etter kokes det hele ned til “intet straffbart forhold”. Alle de som forsøker avsløre disse hvitvaskingene blir kalt konspirasjonsteoretikere, og det er nettopp disse David Cameron nå ønsker å få dømt for terrorisme.

Er Tory Blair en av de han forsøker forsvare på tvers av de falske, illusoriske partiskillelinjene? For dette dreier seg ikke om politikk, gjør det vel? Det dreier seg om arv.

Saville og Blair
Tony Blair with his good friend, serial child molester
Jimmy Saville. The sheep are scared.

Det fantes en gang ei nettside av nøyaktig den typen som vestens toppolitikere med David Cameron i spissen ønsker å stenge. Hvilket de i dette tilfellet faktisk gjorde. Her er den originale linken, og de som klikker den ser raskt hva som har skjedd:


Takket være Wayback Machine kan jeg sitere fra dette interessante stoffet om Tony Blair:

Assassinating a prime minister’s reputation: ten ways to blackmail blair

Like John F. Kennedy thirty-seven years earlier, Tony Blair came to power with a clean-cut, charismatic image that promised ‘safe’ change, more social justice, and a strong head on his shoulders. But also like JFK, the youthful leader of ‘New’ Labour had more than a few skeletons trailing behind him. True or not, they remain the subject of intense gossip – and a number of incontrovertible facts – to this day.

They cover not only his early years as a barrister and MP, but also key moments when he was at the height of his power and reputation as an international statesman and warlord.

The wayward lawyer

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair married Cherie Booth on 29th March 1980. Just four years out of University, Blair was trying to establish himself as a barrister – but not with much success.

«He wasn’t very good» says a retired commercial lawyer who hired him at the time through Derry Irvine’s Chambers. «Frankly he didn’t listen to the brief, and he caved in to the Judge…to the fury of my clients. So I fired him. I told Derry, ‘Don’t ever send that twat to me again'».

The solicitor was appalled at the ease with which Blair betrayed his clients «for a quiet life». Betrayal (as we shall see) is an amoral spine running through Teflon Tony’s life-story.

We interviewed the lawyer at some length. «When I watched him give in to the EU about the eight billion quid» he said, «I thought of that day in Court».

Close friends of the Blairs agree that Tony was a washout as a barrister….and that Cherie was without doubt the superstar. But in turn, while specialising in wealthy and commercial clients, for a young man supposedly interested in left-wing ideas Blair defended some odd people.

Famouspeople.com notes that

‘In the case of Nethermere v. Gardiner, Blair acted for employers that had refused holiday pay to employees at a trouser factory. He unsuccessfully defended the employers.’

Election to Parliament in 1983 provided a more promising career path.

Ugly Rumours

While researching Blair’s early Parliamentary career, The Slog (or Not Born Yesterday as it then was) received the following email content:

‘In the autumn of 1983, a young well-dressed man presented himself to Bow St Magistrates’ Court on a morals charge. He was given a conditional discharge and bound over to keep the peace. The young man gave his name as Charles Lynton. He is now among the highest in the land.’

Blair’s middle names are Charles and Lynton. I have asked for the records of the period (the Court no longer exists) but failed to trace any mention there of the ‘case’ – if indeed it ever existed. Although I found the general attitude of information suppliers to be obstructive, there wasn’t any strong feeling of hiding stuff; frankly, I’d be amazed anyway if something incriminating about Tony Blair hadn’t been removed by now. Another source wrote to us as follows:

‘He was caught importuning in a Westminster toilet. It was all covered up.’

Two things are, however, relevant. Gossip did abound about Blair’s sexuality during his time in the rock band Ugly Rumours at Oxford. And while nobody has ever stood them up, it is widely accepted that Derry Irvine (Blair’s boss in Chambers) regularly referred to him as «the star closest to Uranus».

Gutteklubben ikke fullt så grei – statsledere foretrekker sodomi med guttunger

Blair og Bush

Pedofili og rumperytteri, ofte i kombinasjon, er det en forutsetning for å bli president, statsminister, hertug og annet fælt? Selv om David Cameron ønsker nekte folk å stille ekle spørsmål, er dette et spørsmål som stilles.

Pedofiliring i Washington

De som ønsker lese artikkelen finner en større versjon av bildet her.

Today, after more than a million dead and several millions exiled, as the “too extreme for al-Qaeda” ISIL is grabbing more and more of Iraq, the question once again arises:

Why did George Bush and Tony Blair drag us into the Iraq quagmire?
They told us it was about Saddam’s WMD. But that was a preposterous lie. Bush even camped it up about looking for WMD under his desk. He thought it was fabulously hilarious that anyone had ever believed in Iraqi WMD.
So what was the real reason for the Iraq war?

Some say oil. But that seems dubious, since big oil lobbied hard against the Iraq invasion, fearing it would destabilize their business.

Others say=http://crimesofzion.blogspot.com/p/war-for-israel.html Israel. That makes more sense; the Zionist lobby was the main force pushing for war in Iraq. But how can ash*tty little country like Israel force a superpower to do its bidding?

One way is by blackmailing politicians. And in Bush and Blair, they had plenty of opportunity.

As Sherman Skolnick reported years ago in Bush Bisexuality Asserted In Scorching New Book:

“It relates to George W. Bush’s homosexual relationship, since about puberty, with Victor Ashe, long-time Mayor of Knoxvillle. When some in Congress began inquiries in the fall of 2003, Ashe in December, 2003, gave up being Knoxville Mayor and was appointed by George W. Bush, the occupant and resident of the White House, as the U.S. Ambassador to Poland.”

Another story about Bush Jr. is that his dad invaded Panama because Noriega was trying to blackmail the Bush family into giving him a bigger cut of the CIA’s cocaine profits. Apparently Noriega was in possession of photos of W.  taken at a Caribbean brothel that caters to pedophiles. This is not just a rumor; I have heard it verified by a well-placed intelligence community source.

And let’s not forget Jeff Gannon. During Bush Jr.’s presidency, the fake journalist and homosexual prostitute Gannon regularly spent nights at the White House, apparently entertaining the President.

But Gannon wasn’t W’s only gay entertainment.
Wayne Madsen Reports revealed on Nov. 18, 2005:

“There is good reason for the embarrassment of the Pentagon in the (Abu Ghraib) affair. The orders to take the sexually-oriented photos and videos, some of which involve teenage Iraqi boys and girls and sodomization by their guards, came directly from a pedophile and closeted male homosexual ring operating in the White House, according to the intelligence sources. Copies of the tapes and photos were sent directly to the White House for the entertainment of senior members of the Bush White House, including officials in the Vice President’s office and the Executive Office of the President.”

None of this is surprising to anyone who follows the seamy underbelly of American politics. The Bush family is notorious for its sexual degeneracy. For example, George H.W. Bush attended parties serviced by child prostitutes, according to sworn testimony from the children themselves. For details read The Franklin Scandal and The Franklin Cover-Up and check out the video Conspiracy of Silence.

And the Mossad is very good at getting hold of blackmail material. During J. Edgar Hoover’s tenure at the FBI, Hoover had pornographic blackmail photos of just about everybody who mattered – which made Hoover the USA’s unelected dictator. But the real ruler, the éminence grise behind Hoover, was Mossadnik crime kingpin Meyer Lansky. It seems likely that Lansky’s heirs in Tel Aviv have an extensive collection of child pornography featuring “adult actor” George W. Bush.

While the Bush White House was jerking off to live feeds of Abu Ghrayb torture, Tony Blair’s government was cavorting with child prostitutes:

“In 1999 an international investigation into child porn by Britain’s National Criminal Intelligence Service codenamed Operation Ore, resulted in 7,250 suspects being identified in the United Kingdom alone. Some 1850 people were criminally charged in the case and there were 1451 convictions. Almost 500 people were interviewed “under caution” by police, meaning they were suspects. Some 900 individuals remain under investigation.  In early 2003, British police began to close in on some top suspects in the Operation Ore investigation, including senior members of Blair’s government, allegedly Chris Smith, Peter Mandelson and Gay Gordon.”

Så hvem pokker er disse “britiske” drittsekkene?

Tony Blair’s shady secret

By Stuart Wilde

There is a meeting of the elite in Switzerland at Davos this week. Tony Blair was on TV talking about how Britain should stay in the European Union even though the Union is collapsing.

Skaphomseaskenasien Tony Blair

He is the British Middle East envoy, supposedly assisting to bring a peace treaty between the Israelis and the Palestinians. He goes to his very fancy house in Jerusalem for two weeks every month, at the taxpayer’s expense.

But Blair has a shady secret that has been cleverly hidden from the British people, and that is the fact that he is Jewish. Judaism flows through the female line, Blair’s grandmother was Jewish, so his mother was Jewish, so he’s Jewish.

David Cameron også askenasikhazar

David Cameron’s great-great-grandfather Emile Levita, a German Jewish financier (and descendant of Renaissance scholar Elia Levita), who obtained British citizenship in 1871, was the director of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China which became Standard Chartered Bank in 1969.[17] His wife, Cameron’s great-great-grandmother, was a descendant of the wealthy Danish Jewish Rée family on her father’s side.

Dessuten er David Cameron av den tysk”britiske” kongeslekten, eller “av kongelig blod”, hvilket i realiteten ikke er mulig å skille fra de andre blodslinjene han har. Dere vet den blodslinjen både askenasikhazarer og kongelige er så redde for å bryte, at de har gjort innavl til en livsnødvendig perfeksjon for å opprettholde det rene blodet. Hvilket blod? “Abrahams” blod. Ondskapen. Den som gjør at askenasikhazarene er helt hysterisk opptatt av å påpeke viktigheten av å gjenkjenne en jøde gjennom rase. Verdenshistoriens jævligste rasister, og de er så frekke at de har klart å vende fokus vekk fra sine egne rasistiske forbrytelser ved å sette rasist-merkelapp på alle som forsøker peke på rasismen de utfører daglig!

Jøder skal kalles mennesker. Verdens folk skal ikke kalles mennesker men kveg.
(Baba Bathra 114b)

Skjønt verdens folk i det ytre ligner jødene, så er de bare aper sammenlignet med mennesker (dvs. jødene).
(Schene luchot haberith 250b)

Jøden er den levende Gud, Guds inkarnasjon; han er det himmelske menneske, andre er jordiske, av mindreverdige raser. De eksisterer bare for å tjene Jøden. De er av kvegætt.

Jeg avslutter med et par trivelige representanter for herrefolket. De eneste mennesker. De som er av det rette blodet.

Jimmy-Sevile og Prince-Charles
Lord Louis Mountbatten introduced
the well-known paedophile
Jimmy Savile to Prince Charles.
Jimmy Savile organised children
for paedophilia for Royals & Elite –
Fake Royals, one and all.

Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma KG, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO, DSO, PC, FRS[1] (born Prince Louis of Battenberg; 25 June 1900 – 27 August 1979) – known informally as Lord Mountbatten – was a British statesman and naval officer, an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh



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9. februar 2015 16:23

David Christopher Kelly må vel være den samme som den Kelly du nevner her, siden han var vitenskapsmann og spesialist på kjemiske våpen. Det var vel en av grunnene til at han ble valgt ut som våpeninspektør i Irak sammen med Hans Blix fram til de ble tvunget ut siden verken UK eller USA orket å vente lengre med å starte sin krigføring mot en uskyldig nasjon. Man kan vel trygt si at det ikke gikk ham så bra videre i livet. I forbindelse med en rettssak ble han funnet død 17. juli 2003. Alle føler seg vel overbevist om at han ble drept, men det kan være vanskelig å finne definitive bevis, siden det ble “…decided that evidence related to the death, including the post-mortem report and photographs of the body, should remain classified for 70 years.” Onde handlinger blir gjerne beskyttet i lang tid, slik at de skyldige ikke skal kunne stilles til rette.

Forøvrig lurer jeg på hvor mange etterforskninger som har blitt startet når det gjelder pedofiliringer i de høyere sjikt. Det har en tendens til å renne ut i sand (bli stoppet av mektige krefter) før man kommer til bunns. Noen ganger blir noen få ofret, de som ikke er uunnværlige (har ikke nok makt) og ikke kan skape for store bølger, slik at folk føler at noe blir gjort. Det er et effektivt våpen når hemmelige tjenester sørger for «å ha noe» på folk i viktige roller. Jeg har en mistanke om at det er langt mer vanlig enn hva de fleste tror. Av en eller annen grunn synes det som om de fleste mener at mektige mennesker er akkurat slik som vi vanlige mennesker, altså menneskelige, med evne til å føle empati. Noen må få revet dem ut av denne illusjonen, og jeg synes du gjør en utmerket jobb 😉

9. februar 2015 18:38

Hvem som eier og sjefer over Google? Jeg lastet ned et dokument som tok for seg Google, og også Facebook, men klarer ikke å finne det igjen. Men det er vel “the usual suspects” mener jeg å huske Husker godt at Google begynte å bli synlig på Internett, og populariteten økte fort. Fram til da hadde jeg brukt en absolutt brukvar søkemaskin som het Northern Light, men de måtte kaste inn håndkleet i 2002. Det var tydeligvis vanskeligere for dem å få finansiering enn hva det var for Google. Grunnleggerne av Google var Larry Page (jødisk mor) og Sergey Brin (russisk-jødiske foreldre). Selvsagt har også FBs grunnlegger, Mark Zuckerberg, samme bakgrunn. Å ha stamtavlen i orden har aldri vært til hinder viktig for økonomisk suksess. Johan Halvorsen komponerte “Bojarenes inntogsmarsj” i 1895. Den var kjenningsmelodien i NRKs “Ønskekonserten” i mange tiår. Kanskje han burde ha komponert også “Khazarenes inntogsmarsj”?